Tuesday, September 5, 2017

PivotDiagram window

PivotDiagram window

The PivotDiagram window appears when you create a PivotDiagram or when you insert a PivotDiagram into any Microsoft Office Visio Professional 2007 drawing.

Add Category

The Add Category list shows categories in your data source by which you can group your data. The categories correspond to columns for most data sources (dimensions for Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services). To break a node down into subnodes, click a node in your PivotDiagram drawing, and then click a category in the Add Category list.

Each category has four available features. Under Add Category, right-click the category name to access the following features:

  • Add category name     This option does the same thing as clicking the name — it breaks the selected node into subnodes by that category.

  • Select all     This option selects all the nodes in the drawing that are broken down into that category.

  • Edit Data Graphic     This option open the Edit Data Graphic dialog box, where you can customize the appearance of your data on the nodes.

  • Configure Column     This option opens the Configure Column dialog box (for SQL Server Analysis Services, the Configure Dimension dialog box), where you can filter the rows of your data to a subset that meets your criteria. To remove the filter, reset the box in the Show data where column to (Select Operation).

Add Total

The Add Total list shows the columns in your data source that can be summarized and listed in the nodes. For example, you may want to show the total sales made by each sales person while also showing the number of orders that each sales person handled.

In addition to the columns from your data source, Add Total includes a Count item (except for SQL Server Analysis Services), which counts the number of rows from your data source that are represented in each node.

Each item in the Add Total list has six available features. Right-click the item name to access the following features:

  • Sum     This option adds the numeric values of all the rows contained in each node.

  • Avg     This option calculates the average of the numeric values of all the rows contained in each node.

  • Min     This option shows the minimum value of all the rows contained in each node.

  • Max     This option shows the maximum value of all the rows contained in each node.

  • Count     This option shows the number of rows contained in each node.

  • Configure Column     This option opens the Configure Column dialog box (for SQL Server Analysis Services, the Configure Dimension dialog box), where you can filter the rows of your data to a subset that meets your criteria. To remove the filter, reset the box in the Show data where column to (Select Operation).


In the Actions section, you can choose to work with the following features:

  • Apply Shape    When you create a PivotDiagram in Microsoft Office Visio Professional 2007, each node appears as a rectangle. You can add a more visually interesting shape to the node from any open stencil.

  • Refresh Data    You can refresh the data in an existing PivotDiagram. If your drawing contains more than one PivotDiagram, you can refresh one or all of them.

  • Other Actions    

    • Sort    You can use the Sort feature to change the default order of the subnodes in a PivotDiagram.

    • Merge    This list item combines data from multiple nodes into one. To merge nodes, select them and, on the PivotDiagram menu, click Merge.

    • Unmerge    To separate merged nodes, click the merged node and, on the PivotDiagram menu, click Unmerge.

      Note: A merged node has multiple entries in its title bar.

    • Promote    To show only part of an expanded PivotDiagram, you can promote a child node to the top node.

    • Collapse    Use this list item to merge child nodes back into their parent node.

    • Refresh All    Use this list item to refresh data for all PivotDiagrams in the drawing.

    • Edit Data Graphic    This command opens the Edit Data Graphic dialog box where you can change the placement and style of the data in your shapes.

    • Automatically re-layout    Use this list item to have the PivotDiagram layout change automatically as you add or remove nodes.

    • Options    Use this list item to open the PivotDiagram Options dialog box where you can choose what information about the diagram and how many items in each breakdown will show, change automatic refresh settings, and change the data source.

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