Monday, April 30, 2018

Move, rotate, or group a picture, text box, or other object in Office for Mac

Move, rotate, or group a picture, text box, or other object in Office for Mac

In Office for Mac, you can move a text box, shape, WordArt, or picture by dragging, and you can change the position of an object by rotating or flipping it.

  1. Click the object that you want to move.

  2. Drag the object to where you want it.

    • To move multiple objects, hold down Shift as you select the objects.

    • To move an object up or down, or sideways in small increments, click the object, hold down Command, and then press an arrow key. Note that in Word you can only use this to move up or down.

    • To constrain an object so that it moves only horizontally or vertically, hold down Shift as you drag the object.

  1. Click the object that you want to rotate.

  2. Click the rotation handle at the top of the object, and then drag in the direction that you want.

    Shaoe with rotation handles

    • To constrain the rotation to 15-degree angles, press and hold Shift while you drag the rotation handle.

    • When you rotate multiple shapes, they do not rotate as a group, but instead each shape rotates around its own center.

    • Alternatively you can select the object, hold down Option and press the left or right arrow keys to rotate.

  1. Click the object you want to rotate.

  2. On the Shape Format tab or Picture Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Rotate.

    Rotate button on the Format tab

    • If you don't see the Shape Format or Picture Format tabs, make sure that you selected a text box, shape, WordArt, or picture.

    • The Rotate button could be hidden if your screen size is reduced. If you don't see the Rotate button, click Arrange to see hidden buttons in the Arrange group.

      Rotate button on the Arrange menu Rotate button on the Arrange menu

  3. Click More Rotation Options.

    Office for Mac Shape Rotate Menu
  4. In the dialog box or pane that opens, enter the amount that you want to rotate the object in the Rotation box. You can also use the arrows to rotate the object exactly where you want.

  1. Click the object you want to rotate.

  2. On the Shape Format tab or Picture Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Rotate.

    Rotate button on the Format tab

    • If you don't see the Shape Format or Picture Format tabs, make sure that you selected a text box, shape, WordArt, or picture.

    • The Rotate button could be hidden if your screen size is reduced. If you don't see the Rotate button, click Arrange to see hidden buttons in the Arrange group.

      Rotate button on the Arrange menu Rotate button on the Arrange menu

  3. To rotate the object 90 degrees to the right, click Rotate Right 90°, or to rotate the object 90 degrees to the left, click Rotate Left 90°.

    Office for Mac Shape Rotate Menu

You can create the effect of a mirror image or flip an object upside-down (invert it) by using the Flip tools.

  1. Click the object that you want to rotate.

  2. On the Shape Format tab or Picture Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Rotate.

    Rotate button on the Format tab

    • If you don't see the Shape Format or Picture Format tabs, make sure that you selected a text box, shape, WordArt, or picture.

    • The Rotate button could be hidden if your screen size is reduced. If you don't see the Rotate button, click Arrange to see hidden buttons in the Arrange group.

      Rotate button on the Arrange menu Rotate button on the Arrange menu

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To turn an object upside-down, click Flip Vertical.

    • To create a mirror image of the object, click Flip Horizontal.

      Office for Mac Shape Rotate Menu

When you group objects, you are combining the objects together so that you can format, move, or copy them as a group.

  1. Hold down Shift, click the objects that you want to group together, and then depending on the type of object that you clicked, click the Shape Format tab or the Picture Format tab.

  2. If you are using Word, click Arrange > Group > Group.

    Group objects

    If you are using PowerPoint or Excel, click the Group icon, and then click Group.

    Group objects

Tip: If Group appears dimmed or unavailable that's usually because you haven't already selected two, or more, objects that can be grouped together.

See also

Insert pictures in Office for Mac

Crop a picture in Office for Mac

Control text wrapping around objects in Word 2016 for Mac

Group or ungroup shapes, pictures, or other objects in Word 2016 for Mac


  1. On the View menu, click Print Layout.

  2. Click the object that you want to move.

  3. Drag the object to where you want it.

    • To move multiple objects, hold down Shift as you select the objects.

    • To move an object up, down, or sideways in small increments, click the object, hold down Option, and then press an arrow key.

    • If you cannot move or group pictures, change the wrap text setting to any setting that is not In Line with Text. To do this, click the Format Picture tab, and then under Arrange, click Wrap Text, and then click the option that you want.

Note: To rotate text in Word for Mac, you must first place the text in a text box, and then rotate the text box.

  1. On the View menu, click Print Layout.

  2. Click the object that you want to rotate or flip, and then, depending on the kind of object that you clicked, click the Format tab or the Format Picture tab.

  3. Under Arrange, click Rotate.

    Word Arrange group

    To rotate an object to any degree, on the object, drag the rotation handle Rotation handle .

  4. Do any of the following:


    Do this

    Rotate an object to the right

    Click Rotate Right 90

    Rotate an object to the left

    Click Rotate Left 90

    Flip an object up or down

    Click Flip Vertical

    Flip an object left or right

    Click Flip Horizontal

When you group objects, you are combining the objects together so that you can format, move, or copy them as a group.

  1. On the View menu, click Print Layout.

  2. Hold down Shift, click the object that you want to group together, and then, depending on the type of object that you clicked, click the Format tab or the Format Picture tab.

  3. Under Arrange, click Group, and then click Group.

    Word Arrange group

    Note: If you cannot move or group pictures, change the wrap text setting to any setting that is not In Line with Text. To do this, click the Format Picture tab, and then under Arrange, click Wrap Text, and then click the option that you want.

Tip: If Group appears dimmed or unavailable that's usually because you haven't already selected two, or more, objects that can be grouped together.


  1. Click the object that you want to move.

    To select multiple objects, hold down Shift, and then click the objects that you want.

  2. Drag the object to where you want it.

    • To move multiple objects, hold down Shift as you select the objects.

    • To move an object up, down, or sideways in small increments, click the object, and then press an arrow key.

    • To constrain an object so that it moves only horizontally or vertically, hold down Shift as you drag the object.

Note: To rotate text in PowerPoint for Mac, you must first place the text in a text box, and then rotate the text box.

  1. Click the object that you want to rotate or flip, and then, depending on the kind of object that you clicked, click the Format tab or the Format Picture tab.

    To select multiple objects, hold down Shift, and then click the objects that you want.

  2. Under Arrange, click Rotate.

    Arrange group

    To rotate an object to any degree, on the object, drag the rotation handle Rotation handle .

  3. Do any of the following:


    Do this

    Rotate an object to the right

    Click Rotate Right 90

    Rotate an object to the left

    Click Rotate Left 90

    Flip an object up or down

    Click Flip Vertical

    Flip an object left or right

    Click Flip Horizontal

When you group objects, you are combining the objects together so that you can format, move, or copy them as a group.

  1. Hold down Shift, click the object that you want to group together, and then, depending on the type of object that you clicked, click the Format tab or the Format Picture tab.

  2. Under Arrange, click Group, and then click Group.

    Arrange group

Tip: If Group appears dimmed or unavailable that's usually because you haven't already selected two, or more, objects that can be grouped together.


  1. Click the object that you want to move.

    To select multiple objects, hold down Shift, and then click the objects that you want.

  2. Drag the object to where you want it.

    • To move multiple objects, hold down Shift as you select the objects.

    • To move an object up, down, or sideways in small increments, click the object, and then press an arrow key.

    • To constrain an object so that it moves only horizontally or vertically, hold down Shift as you drag the object.

Note: To rotate text in Excel for Mac, you must first place the text in a text box, and then rotate the text box.

  1. Click the object that you want to rotate or flip, and then, depending on the kind of object that you clicked, click the Format tab or the Format Picture tab.

    To select multiple objects, hold down Shift, and then click the objects that you want.

  2. Under Arrange, click Rotate.

    Arrange group

    To rotate an object to any degree, on the object, drag the rotation handle Rotation handle .

  3. Do any of the following:


    Do this

    Rotate an object to the right

    Click Rotate Right 90

    Rotate an object to the left

    Click Rotate Left 90

    Flip an object up or down

    Click Flip Vertical

    Flip an object left or right

    Click Flip Horizontal

When you group objects, you are combining the objects together so that you can format, move, or copy them as a group.

  1. Hold down Shift, click the object that you want to group together, and then, depending on the type of object that you clicked, click the Format tab or the Format Picture tab.

  2. Under Arrange, click Group, and then click Group.

    Arrange group

Tip: If Group appears dimmed or unavailable that's usually because you haven't already selected two, or more, objects that can be grouped together.

See also

Align objects

Resize an object

Insert a text box

Manipulate objects in layers

Picture or other object appears partially off the page

Picture or other object appears partially off the page

The object is positioned close enough to the edge of the page to be in the nonprintable region of most desktop printers. If this is not fixed, the object will not be printed.

The object is one of the following:

  • An AutoShape

  • A table

  • A text box

  • A picture or clip art

The nonprintable region depends on which desktop printer you are printing to. The Design Checker will query the printer that you selected from Print on the File tab to determine the nonprintable region. However, if the Design Checker can't get the necessary information from the printer, it will assume a default nonprintable region of 0.25 inches (0.6 cm).

To find and select the item, click the error message in the Design Checker task pane, click the arrow, and then click Go to this Item.

To confirm that this is a problem, determine your printer's nonprintable region by printing a sample page or consulting your printer documentation. Then, if necessary, move the object.

Move the object

You can move an object or a group of objects by dragging it, nudging it, or using measurements to position it on the page.

Drag the object to a new position

  1. Position the mouse pointer over the object until the pointer changes to the Move pointer Move pointer .

  2. Drag the object to the new position. To drag the object in a straight line, hold down SHIFT while you drag the object.

    Note: If one of the Snap commands is turned on, the object might snap to the nearest guide, object, or ruler mark when you release the mouse button.

Nudge the object

  • Select the object and then press one of the arrow keys to move the object in the direction you want.

    The object moves a set distance each time you press an arrow key. The default nudge distance is 0.13 inch (or its equivalent if you are using another unit of measurement). However, you can change the nudge distance.


    1. Click File > Options > Advanced.

    2. Under editing options, select the Use custom nudge setting check box, and then type the distance you want objects to move when you nudge them.

Position the object precisely on the page

  1. Right-click the object, and then click Format <object type> on the shortcut menu.

  2. On the Layout tab, under Position on page, enter the positive measurements for the horizontal and vertical placement of the object or group of objects.

Chatting in a workspace

Chatting in a workspace

You can do real-time text chatting with other workspace members. To access chat in a workspace, do any of the following:

  • In the Workspace Members pane, click the Expand button to expand or collapse the chat area: Expand/Collapse icon

  • On the View tab, click New Window, and then click Chat.

Creating a new text chat entry

To create a new text chat entry, type in the text-entry field and press ENTER.

Tip: You can open the Spell Checker to scan for and fix spelling errors before you press ENTER to record a chat entry. Click: Spell check icon

Using rich-text features in the text chat editor

The text chat editor supports rich text features, such as text formatting, hyperlinks, and graphic images. These features are available only while you are typing in the text-entry field. You cannot edit a chat entry once it appears in the chat display window. Right-click in the chat text-entry field to see formatting options or select options in the toolbar.

Getting chat status

The chat title bar flashes whenever another member sends a new chat message. Additionally, you can point at the chat title bar to see if anyone is currently typing a new message.

Chat awareness pop-up window

Searching in a chat

To search in a chat, right-click anywhere in the chat window (or chat area in the Workspace Members panel), click Chat, and then click Find in Transcript. Type a search string in the Find dialog box and click Find Next.

Printing a chat transcript

To print a chat, right-click anywhere in the chat window (or chat area in the Workspace Members panel) and click Chat, and then click Print Transcript.

Deleting a chat transcript

Some chats become lengthy and thus you might occasionallywant to delete the chat transcript area to start over. To delete a chat transcript, right-click anywhere in the chat window (or chat area in the Workspace Members panel), click Chat, and then click Delete Transcript.

Undoing or redoing a chat entry

You can undo or redo keystrokes that you are typing in a chat entry. Right-click in the chat entry box, click Chat and then click Undo (CTRL-Z) or Redo (CTRL-Y). However, you cannot undo or redo chat entries once you have entered them, and they appear in the transcript.

Shrink or stretch the width of text characters (scaling)

Shrink or stretch the width of text characters (scaling)

Scaling is available in Publisher only if you are working on a print publication.

  1. Select the text characters you want to change.

  2. On the Format menu, click Character Spacing.

  3. Under Scaling, enter the percentage amount that you want to shrink or stretch your text.

    You can view an example in the Sample box at the bottom of the dialog box.

Track email messages that require follow up

Track email messages that require follow up

By flagging email messages, you can track responses to messages that you send. You can also make sure that you follow up on messages that you receive. In either case, you can include a reminder alert.

When you must have a timely response to a message, use a flag for the recipients.

Tip:  Use this feature with discretion. Some recipients might not appreciate having reminders added to their Outlook.

  1. Before you click Send, on the Message tab, in the Tags group, click Follow Up, and then click Custom.

  2. Click Flag for Recipients.

  3. Under Flag for Recipients, click a flag in the Flag to list.

  4. By default, a reminder accompanies the task. To send a flag without a reminder alert, clear the Reminder check box.

    The flag text that recipients receive appears in the InfoBar.

    Flags and reminders for recipients show in the message Infobar.

If you must follow up on a message that you are about to send, set a reminder for yourself.

  1. Before you click Send, on the Message tab, in the Tags group, click Follow Up.

  2. Click a flag for when you want to be reminded about this message.

    By default, the following flag start dates, due dates, and reminders are available:


Start date

Due date



Current date

Current date

One hour before the end time of today's work day


Current date plus one day

Current date plus one day

Start time of current day plus one work day

This Week

Current date plus two days, but no later than the last work day of this week

Last work day of this week

Start time of current day plus two work days

Next Week

First work day of next week

Last work day of next week

Start time of the first work day of next week

No Date

No date

No date

Current date


Current date

Current date

Current date

Alternately, click Custom to create a Start date and Due date that doesn't appear on the list. Click OK to close the dialog box.

The flag text that recipients receive appears in the InfoBar.

Note:  If you want to customize the flag by specifying Start and Due dates or change when the reminder alert appears, follow the steps in the Flag to remind you and recipients to follow up section. You can clear the Flag for Recipients check box to customize flags that only you see.

To flag a new message both for you and the recipients, do the following:

  1. On the Message tab, in the Tags group, click Follow Up, and then click Add Reminder.

  2. Click Flag for Recipients.

    To send a flag without a reminder alert, clear the Reminder check box.

  3. Select the Flag for Me check box, and if you want, the Reminder check box.

  4. You can specify a Start date and a Due date for the Flag for Me.

  5. In the Flag to list, click the flag text that you want to appear. You can also type custom text in the box, and then press ENTER.

    Note:  You can't change the flag text or set the Start date and Due date if you are using an IMAP email account.

  6. If either the Reminder check box for Flag for Me or the Flag for Recipients is selected, specify a time for a reminder.

  7. Click OK.

    The flag text appears in the InfoBar.

    InfoBar for a message with Follow Up reminders

After you send a message that uses a flag, you can search for responses.

Note:  By default, sent messages are saved in the Sent Items folder. If you use a Microsoft Exchange account and move your sent items to an Outlook Data File (.pst) either manually or with AutoArchive, this feature isn't available.

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Open the original message in the Sent Items folder.

    • Open the flagged sent message in the To-Do Bar.

    • Open any message that is a response to the original message, click the InfoBar, and then click Open original flagged message.

  2. Click the InfoBar, and then click Find related messages.

    The Advanced Find dialog box appears and a search starts for messages that are a response to your flagged message.

When tracking a message is no longer wanted, you can clear the flag on the message.

Do one the following:

  • You added a flag to a message that you haven't sent, but now want to remove the flag    

    1. In the message draft, on the Message tab, in the Tags group, click Follow Up.

    2. Click Clear Flag.

  • You sent a message that uses a flag for yourself or others, but now want to remove the flag    

    Do one of the following:

    1. Delete the flagged message in the To-Do Bar.

      This also deletes the message in your Mail folders.

    2. Right-click the message anywhere it appears in Outlook, and then click Mark Complete or Clear Flag.

      Note:  Recipients of the message still see the flag. When you remove a flag, it only affects what you see.

  • A flag reminder appears, and you want to remove the flag    

    1. When the reminder alert appears, right-click it, and then click Mark Complete or Clear Flag.

      Tell me how Mark Complete and Clear Flag differ

      Mark Complete     The item remains marked with a follow-up flag, however, it appears with a strikethrough. If the To-Do Bar or Tasks is configured to show all tasks and to-do items regardless of whether they are complete or not, the message appears until you delete it from your Mail folders.

      Clear Flag     The flag is removed from the message and there is no record of the message ever appearing in views such as the To-Do Bar and Tasks.

      If you want to keep a record of completed items, use Flag Complete. However, as soon as you delete the message the item completely disappears from all Outlook views.

  • A response to a flagged message arrives, and you want to remove the flag    

    1. In the Reading Pane or in the open message, click the InfoBar, and then click Open Original Flagged Message.

    2. On the Message tab, in the Tags group, click Follow Up.

    3. Click Clear Flag.

You can flag a message that you receive to remind yourself to follow up or take action later. To flag a received message, do one of the following:

  • In the message list, click the flag column next to the message.

    Unless you have changed the default flag, the flag uses today's date for the Start date and Due date.

  • In the message list, right-click the flag column next to the message. Select the due date for the task.

    For example, if you click Next Week, a Start date of next Monday and a Due date of the following Friday is set. Click Custom to use a Start date and a Due date that don't appear in the list.

After you click OK, the flag text appears in the InfoBar.

Flagged messages appear in the To-Do Bar, in Tasks, and in the Calendar Daily Task List.

By default, the following flag options are available.


Start date

Due date



Current date

Current date

One hour before the end time of today's work day


Current date plus one day

Current date plus one day

Start time of current day plus one work day

This Week

Current date plus two days, but no later than the last work day of this week

Last work day of this week

Start time of current day plus two work days

Next Week

First work day of next week

Last work day of next week

Start time of the first work day of next week

No Date

No date

No date

Current date


Current date

Current date

Current date

Flagged email messages help you better manage your mail. Flagged messages create to-do items either for you alone or for you and the recipients of the email message. For example, you can flag an email message that requests information that you need by a certain date. When the recipient receives the message, a flag appears with it and a special message appears on the InfoBar in the Reading Pane and at the top of the message when opened in Outlook.

A message flagged for yourself can help you track who has replied to the message. In the previous scenario, you sent a flagged email message requesting information by a certain date. By also flagging the message for yourself, you are reminded to check for replies. Outlook can even help you automatically find replies to the original flagged message.

Flagged messages are shown in the To-Do Bar, in Tasks, and in the Daily Task List in Calendar.

You need responses to an email message that you are about to send. To remind your recipients to respond, you can use a flag to send a reminder with your message.

Tip: Use this feature with discretion. Some recipients might not appreciate having reminders added to their Microsoft Outlook.

  1. In a new email message, on the Message tab, in the Options group, click Follow Up Button image .

  2. Click Flag for Recipients.

  3. Under Flag for Recipients, click the type of flag in the Flag to list.

  4. By default, a reminder will accompany the task. If you want only the flag without the reminder alert, clear the Reminder check box.

    After you click OK, the InfoBar displays the option that you choose.

    Outlook InfoBar

Note: Received flagged email messages are not automatically added to Tasks, the To-Do Bar, or the Daily Task List. If a reminder is included, the reminder alert activates at the specified time unless the item is opened and the reminder is turned off.

Sometimes you know that you need a response to an e-mail message that you are about to send. To make sure that you remember to check for the recipient's response, do the following:

  1. In a new e-mail message, on the Message tab, in the Options group, click Follow Up Button image .

  2. Indicate when you want to be reminded about this message.

    By default, the following flag Start dates, Due dates, and reminders are available.


Start date

Due date



Current date

Current date

One hour before the end time of today's work day


Current date plus one day

Current date plus one day

Start time of current day plus one work day

This Week

Current date plus two days, but no later than the last work day of this week

Last work day of this week

Start time of current day plus two work days

Next Week

First work day of next week

Last work day of next week

Start time of the first work day of next week

No Date

No date

No date

Current date


Current date

Current date

Current date

Alternately, click Custom to create a Start date and Due date that does not appear on the list. Click OK to close the dialog box.

The InfoBar displays the option that you choose.

Note: If you want to further customize your flag by specifying Start and Due dates or changing when a reminder alert will appear, follow the steps in the Flag a message you send to remind recipients to follow-up and you to later check for replies section. You can always clear the Flag for Recipients check box to customize flags just for you.

To simultaneously flag a message both for yourself and the recipients, do the following:

  1. In a new email message, on the Message tab, in the Options group, click Follow Up Button image .

  2. Click Flag for Recipients.

    The Flag for Recipients and Reminder for recipients check boxes are selected. If you want the recipient to receive a flag, but no reminder alert, clear the Reminder check box.

  3. Select the Flag for Me check box, and if you want, the Reminder check box.

  4. You can specify a Start date and a Due date for the Flag for Me.

  5. Either for yourself or for the recipients, you can enter the flag text that you want to display. If the Flag to list doesn't contain the text that you want, type a new entry in the text box, and then press ENTER.

  6. If either the Reminder check box for Flag for Me or the Flag for Recipients is selected, you can specify a time for a reminder to be activated.

  7. Click OK.

    The InfoBar displays the options that you choose.

    outlook infobar

Note: You cannot change the flag text or set start dates and due dates if you are using an IMAP email account.

This feature requires that you save your sent email messages. By default, sent messages are saved in the Sent Items folder. If your default delivery location — the place where incoming mail is saved — is a server running Microsoft Exchange, make sure you do not move, either manually or through Auto Archive, your sent items to a Personal Folders file (.pst) file on your computer. Doing so will cause the feature not to work.

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Open the original message in the Sent Items folder.

    • Open the flagged sent message in the To-Do Bar.

    • Open any email message that is a response to the original message, click the InfoBar, and then click Open original flagged message.

  2. Click the InfoBar, and then click Find related messages.

    The Advanced Find dialog box will open and begin searching for related email messages.

You can choose to turn off a tracking flag on a message at any time.

Do one the following:

  • You have composed an email message and selected a flag, but now want to remove the flag    

    1. In the message draft, on the Message tab, in the Options group, click Follow Up. Button image .

    2. Click Clear Flag.

  • You have sent an email message that you flagged for yourself or others, but now want to remove the flag    

    Do one of the following:

    1. Delete the original flagged email message from the To-Do Bar.

      This deletes the email message from your Mail folders as well.

    2. Right-click on the message anywhere it appears, and then click Mark Complete or Clear Flag.

      Note: Recipients of your email message will still see the flag. Removing the flag only affects what you see.

  • A flag reminder appears, and you want to remove the flag    

    1. When the reminder alert appears, right-click it, and then click Mark Complete or Clear Flag.

      Click here to learn how Mark Complete and Clear Flag differ

      Mark Complete     The item remains marked with a follow-up flag, however, it is now displayed with a strikethrough. If the To-Do Bar or Tasks is configured to show all tasks and to-do items regardless of whether they are complete or not, you will still see the message until you delete it from your Mail folders.

      Clear Flag     The flag is removed from the email message, and there is no record of the message ever appearing in views such as the To-Do Bar and Tasks.

      If you want to keep a record of completed items, use Flag Complete. However, after you delete the email message the item will completely disappear from all Outlook views.

  • An email response to a flagged message arrives, and you want to remove the flag    

    1. In the Reading Pane or in the open message, click the InfoBar, and then click Open Original Flagged Message.

    2. On the Message tab, in the Tracking group, click Follow Up. Button image .

    3. Click Clear Flag.

You can flag an email message you receive to remind yourself to follow-up or take action at a later time. To flag a received message, do one of the following:

  1. In the message list, click in the flag column next to the message to flag the message with the default flag.

    Unless you have changed the default flag, it has both a start date and due date of today.

  2. In the message list, right-click the flag column next to the message.

  3. Select the due date for the task. For example, selecting Next Week specifies a start date of next Monday and a Due date of the following Friday. Click Custom to create a start date and a due date that do not appear in the list.

    After you click OK, the InfoBar displays the option that you choose.

    Your flagged message will appear in the To-Do Bar, in Tasks, and in the Daily Task List in Calendar.

    By default, the following flag start dates, due dates, and reminders are available.


Start date

Due date



Current date

Current date

One hour before the end time of today's work day


Current date plus one day

Current date plus one day

Start time of current day plus one work day

This Week

Current date plus two days, but no later than the last work day of this week

Last work day of this week

Start time of current day plus two work days

Next Week

First work day of next week

Last work day of next week

Start time of the first work day of next week

No Date

No date

No date

Current date


Current date

Current date

Current date