Thursday, September 7, 2017

Archiving Server Properties

Archiving Server Properties

Use the Service tab to configure archiving settings for the Office Communications Server Archiving Server.

Archiving Back-End Server

Specifies the SQL Server that is used by the Archiving Server.

Server Name

The NetBIOS name of the computer that is hosting the SQL Server database that is specified in Database Name.

Database Name

The name of the SQL Server database where archived messages are to be stored. The Archiving Server writes all instant message data to this database. The default database name is LcsLog.

Note: The Message Queuing queue name and the SQL Server database name are the same by default, but the queue and the database are not related.

Archiving Days Logged

When selected, specifies the maximum number of days that messages will be logged. Valid values range from 0 to 2562. The default value is 7. We recommend that this be a minimum of 7 days and that record purging be scheduled during off-peak hours.

Note: Purging is managed by using the MSFT_SIPLogServiceSetting WMI class, PurgeTime property.

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When you enable archiving, instant messaging (IM) content that is to be archived is written to the destination queue in Message Queuing before it is stored in the SQL Server database. The message queue path name is the same setting that you provide when you install the Archiving Server.

The Archiving Server and the SQL Server that stores archived content can be installed on separate computers. You need to make sure that Archiving Server and the computer that is hosting the Archiving database can communicate using Domain Name System (DNS) records or host files.

For details, see the Operations section of the Office Communications Server Technical Library.

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