Saturday, September 2, 2017

Set online meeting options

Set online meeting options

The default online meeting options are best for small conference calls or in-house sharing and collaboration sessions. If you are scheduling an online meeting with people outside your organization, or your meeting is unusually large, use the Online Meeting Options dialog box to help you determine the following:

  • Who should wait in the lobby before being admitted to the meeting?

  • Who should have presenter privileges during the meeting?

What do you want to do?

Set access and presenter options

Set access and presenter options

To set access and presenter options, follow these steps.

  1. Create an online meeting invitation in Microsoft Outlook. For details, see Create an online meeting invitation.

  2. In the meeting invitation, in the Online Meeting group, click Meeting Options.

  3. In the Online Meeting Options dialog box, select Customize access and presenters for this meeting .

  4. Choose Access and Presenters options appropriate to the size and type of meeting that you are scheduling.

Access options control which participants must wait in the lobby before being admitted by a presenter. The following table describes each option in detail:

Important:  Even if the meeting lobby is enabled, participants who dial into the meeting will automatically bypass the meeting lobby.

Access option

Who waits in the lobby

When to choose this option

Organizer only (locked)


You don't want people viewing your handouts or Microsoft PowerPoint slides before the meeting

People I invite from my company

People who don't have an account on your network, and people who weren't invited

You're discussing something sensitive or confidential

People from my company

People who don't have an account on your network

All the participants have an account on your organization's network.

Everyone including people outside my company (there are no restrictions)

No one

You're inviting outside participants

Presenter options control which participants are automatically given presenter privileges when you schedule the meeting. The following table describes each option in detail.

Presenter option

Who is a presenter

When to choose this option

Organizer only

Only the person who schedules the meetings.

Presentations where the participants don't have to interact with the meeting content. You can designate additional presenters during the meeting.

People from my company

Everyone you invite who has an account on your network.

In-house group work sessions, where all participants can share and modify meeting content

Everyone including people outside my company (there are no restrictions)

Everyone you invite

Group work sessions with people who don't have an account on your network

People I choose

You and the participants you choose

Presentations with more than one presenter.

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