Thursday, September 14, 2017

Power View - Overview and Learning

Power View - Overview and Learning

Power View is a data visualization technology that lets you create interactive charts, graphs, maps, and other visuals that bring your data to life. Power View is available in Excel, in SharePoint, SQL Server, and Power BI.

There are a few system requirements for Power View, based on which version of Excel, SharePoint, or SQL Server you use. The visualizations in Power View are also available in Power BI and the Power BI Designer.

Power View is one of three data analysis tools available in Excel:

Power View Resources

The following links and information can get you going with Power View. The sections are presented in the order you'd need if you were just starting out – the first section describes where to get Power View, the next points you to a quick Getting Started Guide, then come tutorials.

How do I get Power View?

Power View is available as an add-in for Excel. You may need to enable the add-in to use Power View in Excel. You can also use Power View in SharePoint. The underlying visualization technology that enables Power View is also found in the Power BI Designer, and in the Power BI service offered from Microsoft.

Getting started with Power View

When Power View is enabled, you can create a new Power View report page by selecting the Power View button on the Insert ribbon tab. A report in Power View is a single sheet (which can contain multiple visualizations).

Once a Power View report is created, and it's selected as the active sheet in Excel, the Power View ribbon tab is available.

That's just the beginning, of course.

The links in the following sections provide lots of information about visualization types, data sources, and Power View reports. For a detailed introduction to Power View, check out the following guide:

Links in the following sections provide information about specific topics for Power View, including visualization types, tips, and how to work with Power View data sources.

Power View visualization types

The following pages provide detail about different visualizations available in Power View:

The following links offer additional information about visualizations in Power View, including tips and tricks

Working with Power View data

Power View lets you visualize data, so it's useful to learn how Power View can get its data, and how you can include the data you want to see. The following links can help you understand data access in Power View.

Using Power View in SharePoint

You can use Power View in SharePoint Server. The following link can help get you going:

Power View tutorials

Seeing Power View in action can be a boost to learning how to use it. Here are a few tutorials that can get you started: