Friday, September 22, 2017

Change the manager of an enterprise project

Change the manager of an enterprise project

In Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007, there are separate managers for the project and for the tasks within the project. Status managers are responsible for managing the task updates and assignments within a project and are separate from the project manager.

Change the project manager

The existing project manager can identify the new manager in the Project Center in Microsoft Office Project Web Access. This grants the new manager the appropriate permissions for opening, saving, and publishing the project.

  1. On the Collaborate menu, click Project Center.

  2. In the Project Name column, click your project

  3. Click Edit Project Properties.

  4. Select the new project manager from the Owner list.

  5. Click Save and Publish.

Change the status manager

Other project managers can become the status manager for any of a project's tasks. For example, one project manager might identify another as the status manager to cover absence. The status manager takes ownership of the task assignments, so as to receive all status updates while the project manager is absent.

Each task can have a different status manager.

The following steps are to be performed by the project manager:

  1. In Office Project Professional 2007, on the View menu, click Gantt Chart.

  2. If the Status Manager column is not displayed, click the column to the right of where you want to add it in the grid. On the Insert menu, click Column. Select Status Manager from the Field name list, and then click OK.

    If the Status Manager column is displayed, skip this step.

  3. Select the new status manager from the Status Manager list for each task in the project.

    This list contains all status managers who are currently defined for the project.

    Tip: To change the status manager for all tasks in the project, change the first task, and then copy the Status Manager field. Paste the updated status manager in the grid for the remaining tasks.

  4. If the Publish column is not displayed, click the column to the right of where you want to add it in the grid. On the Insert menu, click Column. Select Publish from the Field Name list, and then click OK.

    If the Publish column is displayed, skip this step.

  5. In the Publish column, select Yes for each task that you want to publish to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007, including those that have a new status manager.

  6. To republish the task assignments, on the File menu, click Publish.

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