Thursday, September 7, 2017

About using filtered HTML

About using filtered HTML

When you save Web pages or send e-mail messages in HTML format with Microsoft Word, additional tags are added so that you can continue to use the full functionality of Word to edit your content.

To reduce the size of Web pages and e-mail messages in HTML format, you can save them in TE000128023 so that the tags used by Microsoft Office programs are removed.

This feature is only recommended for experienced Web authors, who are concerned with the tags that appear in their HTML files.

If you reopen a Web page in Word that you saved in filtered HTML, your text and general appearance are preserved, but you may not be able to use certain Word features in the usual way to edit your files. For example, the appearance of bulleted or numbered lists is preserved; however, some of the Word functionality associated with lists will not be preserved.

When possible, you should only save a Web page in filtered HTML when you are finished editing the page in Word. However, if the underlying HTML of your Web pages is not important to you, you should save your files as a standard Web page.

If you will need to edit the file later, you can maintain two files: one in Word format and one in filtered HTML format. You can edit the content in the Word document, save it in Word format for future editing, and then save a copy in filtered HTML format.

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