Monday, November 19, 2018

Project Server Accounts dialog box

Project Server Accounts dialog box

Use the Project Server Accounts dialog box to create user accounts for connecting to different sets of enterprise projects and resources. You can:

  • Create new Microsoft Office Project Server accounts.

  • Edit existing accounts.

  • Specify the default Project Server account that is loaded when you start Microsoft Office Project Professional.

Dialog box location

On the Tools menu, point to Enterprise Options, and then click Microsoft Office Project Server Accounts.


Available accounts table

This table shows details about the Project Server accounts currently set up on your system.

Name     Specifies the name of the account. The name of each account must be unique.

URL     Specifies the Uniform Resource Locator, or path, of the Project Server.

Default     The default account displays Yes in this field. All others display No. You can change the default by clicking the account you want to use as the default and then clicking Set as Default.

Current account

Names the account that's currently connected.

Command buttons

Add     Opens the Account Properties dialog box, which you can use to add a new account and its Project Server URL, and to specify account connection preferences. After you enter the URL, you can click the Test Connection button to ensure that the URL reaches a valid server. Keep in mind that a successful connection test does not necessarily mean that your account has the appropriate privileges to connect to the specified server. Consult your server administrator to ensure the proper account name, URL, and privileges. Accounts and privileges are set up by the administrator using Microsoft Office Project Web Access.

Remove     Deletes the Project Server account selected in the Available accounts table. A confirmation message asks if you're sure. Click OK, and the account is removed.

Properties     Opens the Account Properties dialog box, which you can use to change account connection preferences for the account selected in the Available accounts table. Specify whether you want to use your Windows user account or a separate Project Server account to validate and log on to Project Server.

Set as Default     Sets the default account. In the Available accounts table, click the account you want to use as the default, and then click Set as Default.

When starting options

Automatically detect connection state     Specifies that the default account should automatically connect when you start Project. This option is selected by default.

Manually control connection state     Specifies that when you start Project, a dialog box should appear from which you can select the the name of the account you want to use for that session. This is useful if you use multiple Project Server accounts, or if you sometimes prefer to work offline. The default account is highlighted.

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