Friday, November 30, 2018

Understanding the Format Text Box tab in Publisher

Understanding the Format Text Box tab in Publisher

If you'd like choose options for placing and fitting text in a text box or in an AutoShape with text in it, you can use the Text Box tab in Publisher.

Note: The Text Box tab is available only when the selected object is a text box or an AutoShape with text.

Vertical alignment

Choose whether you want to align the text at the top, middle, or bottom of the text box or AutoShape.

Text Box Margins

Left  Enter the amount of space you want between the left edge of the text box or AutoShape and the text inside it.

Right  Enter the amount of space you want between the right edge of the text box or AutoShape and the text inside it.

Top  Enter the amount of space you want between the top edge of the text box or AutoShape and the text inside it.

Bottom  Enter the amount of space you want between the bottom edge of the text box or AutoShape and the text inside it.


Do not autofit  This option keeps the text size exactly as you set it for the text box or AutoShape.

Shrink text on overflow This option reduces the point size of the text in the text box or AutoShape until there is no text in overflow.

Best fit  This option shrinks or expands the text to fit in the text box or AutoShape when you resize it.

Grow textbox to fit This option expands the text box or AutoShape when the text would overflow.

Note: The text box or AutoShape may expand off the page or into other objects when this option is selected.

Rotate text within AutoShape by 90º  This check box turns the text inside the text box or AutoShape a quarter turn (90 degrees) to the right.

Include "Continued on page..."  This check box includes the notice Continued on page [page number] in the text box or AutoShape.

Include "Continued from page..."  This check box includes the notice Continued from page [page number] in the text box or AutoShape.

Columns  This button displays the Columns dialog box, where you can select the number of columns and the space between them.

Note: This option isn't available for AutoShapes, except rectangles, or if you select the Shrink text on overflow or Best fit option.

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