Sunday, March 19, 2017

Convert To Walls dialog box

Convert To Walls dialog box

Wall Shape

Select the wall shape that you want. Wall shapes from all open stencils appear in this list.

If you create new masters based on a wall shape, they also will appear in the Wall shape list.

Add Dimensions

Select to add dimensions to new walls. Dimensions are added as separate shapes that are glued to the wall or to the wall's guide.

Add Guides

Select to add guides to new walls. Wall endpoints and dimension endpoints will be glued to the intersection of wall guides.

You can drag guides to resize the walls and spaces you create. Be sure to select this box if you plan on resizing spaces.


Click to delete the original shapes on conversion.


Click to keep the original shapes on conversion.

If you are converting space shapes to walls and you select Retain, the area bound by the walls will be calculated automatically.

Convert To Space Shape

Click to create a space shape inside the area of the shapes that are being converted to walls. The original shapes are deleted.

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