Sunday, November 18, 2018

Manage FAST Search keywords

Manage FAST Search keywords

Keyword terms are defined by an administrator to enhance search results. They can be used in queries from the Search box, or the Search Center site, or Advanced Search. When a query includes a keyword term or one of its synonyms, any recommended results in the form of Best Bets or Visual Best Bets are displayed prominently on the search results page. With document promotions and demotions, administrators can move specific search results for a keyword to the top or the bottom of the search results list.

By defining terms that are often used in searches as keywords, a site collection administrator can provide a standard glossary of names, processes, and concepts that are part of the "common knowledge" shared by members of an organization. When keywords have synonyms and associated Best Bets, Visual Best Bets, document promotions and demotions, they also become handy tools for guiding users toward recommended resources.

Best Bets, Visual Best Bets, document promotions and document demotions can be associated with defined user contexts. These user contexts will let administrators recommend results that are relevant to a specific user group, so that users in each group will have a search experience adapted to their interests and needs.

With FAST Search keywords, you first add the keyword and its synonyms, and then you add any Best Bets, Visual Best Bets, document promotions or demotions, to the keyword.

What do you want to do?

Display the Manage Keywords page

Add keywords with synonyms

Add Best Bets

Add Visual Best Bets

Add document promotions

Add document demotions

Restrict to user context

Edit keyword details

Display the Manage Keywords page

To access the Add Keywords page, and define keywords and related search settings, a site collection administrator goes to the home page for the top-level site in the site collection, and uses the Site Actions menu to display the Site Settings page:

  1. Log on to the home page of your top-level site with site collection administrator permissions.

  2. Click the Site Actions menu, and select Site Settings.

  3. On the Site Settings page, in the Site Collection Administration section, click FAST Search keywords. This displays the Manage Keywords page.

  4. To define a new keyword and add search settings to it, click Add Keyword, and then follow the steps listed in the Add keywords with synonyms section.

    To add search settings to an existing keyword, move the cursor over the keyword, expand the menu that appears, select Edit, and then follow the steps in the relevant Add section.

You can also add search settings to an existing keyword from the Keyword Details page.

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Add keywords with synonyms

Keywords provide definitions for common terms that are used within your organization. Each keyword entry can also include a list of synonyms. Synonyms can be defined as two-way synonyms or one-way synonyms. With two-way synonyms, a query on the keyword or any of the synonyms will find documents containing either the keyword and/or any of the synonyms. With one-way synonyms, a query on the keyword will find documents containing either the key term and/or the synonym(s), while a query on the synonym, will only display results from that synonym.

Important:  Only use synonyms to improve recall for small result sets. If you add synonyms for keywords that already have a large result set, the additional results will be added to the end of the result set, and the query performance will be significantly reduced.

Note: Keyword terms in queries must match the keyword or its synonym exactly. Partial matches won't work. Keywords can only be used within the site collection where they are defined. Keyword definitions and their Best Bet links and Visual Best Bet (if any) are displayed when the Search box sends its query results to a search results page that is within the same site collection, and includes the Best Bets Web part and/or the Visual Best Bet Web part.

Note: You cannot use the same synonym for two different keywords, or add a keyword that is already defined as a keyword or a synonym.

  1. Follow the steps in the earlier section Display the Manage Keywords page.

  2. Click Add Keyword to display the Add Keyword page.

  3. In the Keyword Phrase box, type a word, name, acronym, or phrase to be defined as a keyword.

    Tip: Terms that are often used in searches make good keyword terms. When defining keywords, work from a list of popular sites, processes, and tools used by your organization.

  4. Optional: To provide a synonym for the keyword, type terms with a similar meaning in one of the Synonyms boxes, Two-way Synonyms or One-way Synonyms. Separate synonyms with a semicolon (";").

  5. Optional: To provide a definition for the keyword, type the definition in the Keyword Definition box. The definition will be displayed above the core search results when the keyword is used in a query.

  6. Click OK to save the keyword and go to the Keyword Details page.

    Note: Keywords and their Best Bets are stored in their own database tables, and become effective immediately.

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Add Best Bets

Best Bets are recommended results for a keyword. Best Bets can link to recommended Web sites, data stores, and documents. When a user includes a keyword or one of its synonyms in a query, the search results page features links to its associated Best Bets in a prominent position. This enables the administrator to guide users toward recommended locations and pages. Best Bets will be displayed on the search result page in the order listed.

Best Bets can be connected to one or more user contexts, meaning that the Best Bet will only be displayed if the user who enters the query is defined within that user context. For example, only display Best Bet A if the user who enters the query has the Office Location in his SharePoint user profile set to France.

For example, you might define payroll as a keyword, and include the URL for the home page of the French Payroll department as one of its Best Bet links. When the French employee types the keyword term payroll in the Search box, the search results will then include a link to the payroll site.

Note: If you want the Best Bet to appear for more than one keyword, you must enter the Best Bet for each keyword.

  1. Follow the steps in the earlier section Display the Manage Keywords page.

  2. To add a Best Bets link to a keyword:

    Right-click the name of a keyword, and, in the menu that appears, select Add Best Bet to display the Add Best Bet page.

    Or, right-click the name of a keyword, and, in the menu that appears, select Keyword Details. Then, in the Best Bets section, click Add Best Bet.

    • In the Title box, type the link text for the Best Bet link.

    • In the Description box, type text to display beneath the Best Bet link.

    • In the URL box, type its Web address. Examples: or

  3. You can add one or more user contexts for which the Best Bet should apply.

    • In the User Context section, click Add User Context to display a list of available contexts.

    • Select one or more contexts, click Add and then OK.

    • Leave user context blank if the Best Bet applies for any user context.

  4. You can define a start and end date for the Best Bet. If you do not enter any dates, the Best Bet will take effect immediately with no expiry.

    1. In the Start Date box, type the date that you want this best bet to appear in the search results.

    2. In the End Date box, type the date that you want this best bet to no longer appear in the search results.

  5. Click OK.

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Add Visual Best Bets

A Visual Best Bet is a section of relevant information that is displayed above the search results. The content is manually created and is associated with a particular keyword. A Visual Best Bet is not limited to text or links. A designer can create rich Visual Best Bets, for example image banners or HTML.

Note: For security reasons, html files (files that have the extension .htm or .html) are not supported in SharePoint lists. When you use an html Visual Best Bet stored in a SharePoint list, save the file with the extension .aspx.

An administrator can add the Visual Best Bet to a keyword. The Visual Best Bet will be displayed on the search result page when a user includes the keyword or one of its synonyms in a query. If you want the same Visual Best Bet to appear for more keywords, you must add the Visual Best Bet to each keyword.

The administrator can also apply one or more user contexts to the Visual Best Bet, to have it appear only for certain users or user groups.

  1. Follow the steps in the earlier section Display the Manage Keywords page.

  2. To add a Visual Best Bet to a keyword:

    • Right-click the name of a keyword, and, in the menu that appears, select Add Visual Best Bet to display the Add Visual Best Bet page.

    • Or, right-click the name of a keyword, and, in the menu that appears, select Keyword Details. Then, in the Visual Best Bets section, click Add Visual Best Bet.

  3. In the Visual Best Bet section, in the URL box, type the Web address of the content to be displayed as a Visual Best Bet for the keyword. Example:

  4. You can add one or more user contexts for which the Visual Best Bet should apply.

    1. In the User Context section, click Add User Context to display a list of available contexts.

    2. Select one or more contexts, click Add and then OK.

    3. Leave user context blank if the Visual Best Bet should apply for any user context.

  5. You can define a start and end date for the Visual Best Bet. If you do not enter any dates, the Visual Best Bet starts immediately with no expiry.

    1. In the Start Date box, type the date that you want this Visual Best Bet to appear in the search results.

    2. In the End Date box, type the date that you want this Visual Best Bet to no longer appear in the search results.

  6. Click OK.

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Add document promotions

Documents can be promoted to indicate that they are highly relevant results for a particular keyword. When the user searches for the keyword or one of its synonyms, the promoted documents will appear at the top of the search result list.

The promoted document is given a higher rank than it would normally have according to the search engine's ranking algorithm. When the administrator promotes a document for a keyword, the document is given a fixed additional boost value (number of rank points, default 1,000,000) when the query contains the keyword or one of its synonyms.

You can promote a number of documents for a keyword. The order of promoted documents at the top of the result list will be determined by their initial rank values (relevance ranking).

To promote documents:

  1. Follow the steps in the earlier section Display the Manage Keywords page.

  2. To add a document promotion to a keyword:

    • Right-click the name of a keyword, and, in the menu that appears, select Add Document Promotion to display the Add Document Promotion page.

    • Or, right-click the name of a keyword, and, in the menu that appears, select Keyword Details. Then, in the Add Document Promotion section, click Add Document Promotion.

  3. In the Title box, type a title for the document promotion. The title will not be displayed in the search result, only on the administrator pages.

  4. In the Document Promotion section, in the URL box, type the URL for the document that you want to promote for the keyword. Example:

  5. You can add one or more user contexts for which the document promotion should apply.

    1. In the User Context section, click Add User Context to display a list of available contexts.

    2. Select one or more contexts, click Add and then OK.

    3. Leave user context blank if the document promotion should apply for any user context.

  6. You can define a start and end date for the document promotion. If you do not enter any dates, the document promotion starts immediately with no expiry.

    1. In the Start Date box, type the date that you want this document promotion to appear in the search results.

    2. In the End Date box, type the date that you want this document promotion to no longer appear in the search results.

  7. Click OK.

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Add document demotions

Documents can be demoted to indicate that they are less relevant results for a particular keyword. When the user searches for the keyword or one of its synonyms, the demoted documents will appear at the bottom of the result list.

The demoted document is given a lower rank than it would normally have according to the search engine's ranking algorithm. When the administrator demotes a document for a keyword, a fixed number of rank points is deducted from the boost value when the query contains the keyword or one of its synonyms.

You can demote a number of documents for a keyword. The order of demoted documents at the bottom of the result list will be determined by their initial rank values (relevance ranking).

To demote documents:

  1. Follow the steps in the earlier section Display the Manage Keywords page.

  2. To add a document demotion to a keyword:

    • Right-click the name of a keyword, and, in the menu that appears, select Add Document Demotion to display the Add Document Demotion page.

    • Or, right-click the name of a keyword, and, in the menu that appears, select Keyword Details. Then, in the Add Document Demotion section, click Add Document Demotion.

  3. In the Title box, type a title for the document demotion. The title will not be displayed in the search result, only on the administrator pages.

  4. In the Document Demotion section, in the URL box, type the URL for the document that you want to demote for the keyword. Example:

  5. You can add one or more user contexts for which the document demotion should apply.

    1. In the User Context section, click Add User Context to display a list of available contexts.

    2. Select one or more contexts, click Add and then OK.

    3. Leave user context blank if the document demotion should apply for any user context.

  6. You can define a start and end date for the document demotion. If you do not enter any dates, the document demotion starts immediately with no expiry.

    1. In the Start Date box, type the date that you want this document demotion to appear in the search results.

    2. In the End Date box, type the date that you want this document demotion to no longer appear in the search results.

  7. Click OK.

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Restrict to user context

Use the Restrict to user context link on the Manage Keywords page to select one or more user contexts and display keywords, Best Bets, Visual Best Bets, document promotions and demotions for the selected user context only.

All keywords will still be displayed, but any Best Bets, Visual Best Bets, document promotions and demotions that apply for other user contexts will be filtered out.

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Edit keyword details

The Keyword Details page gives an overview of all synonyms, Best Bets, Visual Best Bets, document promotions and demotions that are connected to a keyword.

Each entry includes links to Edit or Remove the entry.

  • To change the details of a Best Bet or any other entry, click Edit, and type the new information in the desired boxes. Then click OK to save your changes.

    Note: If a keyword includes multiple Best Bets, use the Change Order list to set the order in which they will appear on the search results page.

  • To remove a Best Bet, Visual Best Bet, document promotion or demotion from a keyword, click Remove.

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