Sunday, November 11, 2018

Line dialog box

Line dialog box

These dialog box options apply formatting settings such as pattern, weight, color, ends, and corner rounding to lines and arcs in a selected shape.



From the list, select none, solid lines, dashed lines, or a mixed pattern.


From the list, select the line thickness you want, or specify a custom line thickness.


Select from among the colors available in the Microsoft Office Visio color palette.

To add a new color to the color palette, click More Colors, and then, in the Colors dialog box, define the new color.


Select round or square line caps to have the end of a line appear rounded or squared. You can see this setting only if the line weight is very thick.


To set the transparency of the selected line from 0 percent to 100 percent, move the slider.

Line ends


Select the line end you want for the begin point of the selected shape.


Select the line end you want for the end point of the selected shape.

Begin size

Specify the size of the begin point of the selected shape.

End size

Specify the size of the end point of the selected shape.

Rounded corners


Rounds the corners of the selected shape or shapes; the higher the number, the rounder the corners. You can click a predesigned rounded corner or type a value (up to 1) to specify a custom corner.

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