Monday, November 5, 2018

Find and replace text in notes in OneNote Online

Find and replace text in notes in OneNote Online

Finding and replacing text can be helpful when editing notes. Although OneNote Online doesn't have a find-and-replace feature, you can use Search to find a keyword. If you'd like to replace instances of a word or phrase, you can replace them one by one.

Find text

  1. On your keyboard, press Ctrl+F (PC) or Control+F (Mac), or click the magnifying glass icon near the top of the page list.

  2. In the Search box that appears, enter a search word or phrase, and then press Enter.

  3. Just below the Search box, click the arrow to adjust the scope of your search, if necessary. You can search the current Notebook, the current Section, or the current Page.

  4. If your search text was found in any of your notes, click to select any page in the list of search results that appears. OneNote Online will open the page you select and then highlight all occurrences of your search text on that page.

Find and replace text

  1. On a blank page, type the replacement text that you'll want to use.

  2. Select the text you just typed, and then press Ctrl+C (PC) or ⌘+C (Mac) to copy it to the clipboard.

  3. Go to the page where you want to replace text, press Ctrl+F (PC) or Control+F (Mac), or click the magnifying glass icon near the top of the page list.

  4. In the Search box that appears, enter the search word or phrase whose occurrences you want to replace, and then press Enter.

  5. Double-click the first highlighted occurrence of the text, and then press Ctrl+V (PC) or ⌘+V (Mac) to paste your previously copied replacement text over it. Repeat this step for each additional occurrence that you want to change.


  1. Replies
    1. Seriously! They can't just have find and replace like Word or Excel? Microsoft is falling down on this one.

      I appreciate the blog post explaining this very much, however.

    2. Microsoft Office Tutorials: Find And Replace Text In Notes In Onenote Online >>>>> Download Now

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  2. What happened to Ctrl-H? Don't claim an app is part as a suite of applications if the most basic functionality does not work in all of them.

  3. AKA no solution whatsoever. ALSO the Search feature of OneNote is HORRIBLE. Like I have all my notes there and it doesnt even take me to the highlighted words it finds I have to still SEARCH myself and scroll all the way through different colored and potentially already highlighted notes.
    Literally UNREAL. SO MANY FRUSTRATING PROBLEMS. That come up ALL the time. WHY does nobody find QUICK solutions? The issue with page sizing on a mac has STILL not been resolved.
    After I take these med school board exams I am switching to something else, b/c having all my notes in OneNote has truly made things so difficult.

  4. Very bad. I think thats why google keep etc are way better. You are saying that find each possible search and replace one by one. Doubble clicking etc are valuable for sighted persons not for us who use assistive technologies. As a screen reader user, If I have to do this thing and want to even replace few instances of the search term, It is headache for me. Try doing yourself what you are saying in this blog post blind folded using screen reader. I can say with great confidance that you will getup from your desk and you will need to take medicine for your headache.

  5. Continuing my comment above, I found somewhat useful solution that I want to share here so it can help other folks as well.

    Note: This is not for one note online, so you might say that the solution is not on the subject. The solution will work in onenote for windows 10 and possibly in onenote desktop. You can follow the steps listed below.

    Note: All the steps listed below are fully accessible for screen reader users.

    1. You have to copy the replacement text into your clipboard first. E.G. If You want to replace the word world in the text hello world with the text Niranjan, then Niranjan will be the replacement text.
    2. Press Control + f to open the search dialog box. If you are using the screen reader, the dialog box is pritty accessible. You can use tab and shift tab keys to easily navigate within the dialog box.
    3. Enter the text that you want to replace in the search edit box. E.G. If You want to replace the word world in the text hello world with the text Niranjan, then you will enter the word world in the search edit box.
    4. Adjust your search filter. Possible options are current page, current section, current note book and all note books. These options controls where you want to search for the query.
    5. Press the enter key. This will close the dialog box and you will be landed on to the first occurrence of the search result with search result already selected.
    6. Press Control + V to paste the replacement text. This will replace your replacement text with the previously selected search result.
    7. Press f3 key from the functions row to find next occurrence of the search term. This will land you on the second search result with search result already selected.
    8. Press Control + V to paste the replacement text again. This will replace your replacement text with the previously selected search result.
    9. Repeate the steps 8 and 9 untill you replace all occurrences of the search result.

  6. Replies
    1. Indeed, it is a disgrace especially to update large amount of data. I guess the only solution would be to copy paste each page, replace all that need to be replace and then re paste it back on the One note.

  7. Microsoft Office Tutorials: Find And Replace Text In Notes In Onenote Online >>>>> Download Now

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