Saturday, November 17, 2018

Create a project

Create a project

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When you create a new project in Project Web App, you have a few different options:

  • In Project Professional.    The first option listed is to create the project using Microsoft Project Professional 2013. If you choose this option, view the Help content for Project Professional 2013 for more information.

  • Enterprise Project.    This option creates the project so that it is editable in Project Web App.

  • SharePoint Tasks List.    This option creates the project as a project site. Use the task list on the project site to list out the tasks for your project. As you build your task list on this project site, those tasks will be viewable from the Project Center within Project Web App.

Your organization may have several different templates for creating new projects, so you should choose the template that makes the most sense for the project that you are creating.

Create a new enterprise project

To create a new enterprise project:

  1. On the Quick Launch, click Projects.

  2. On the Projects tab, click New, and then choose Enterprise Project, or choose an enterprise project template that is specific for your organization.

  3. On the page that appears, type the appropriate information in the Name, Description, and Start Date boxes, and then, on the Project tab, click Save.

  4. Complete as much information as you can on the pages that are created for your project. After entering information, on the Task tab or the Project tab, in the Project group, click Save. Each page for the project is listed on the Quick Launch, under the project name, while you have the project open. You can navigate between pages by clicking the Quick Launch links, or by clicking Previous and Next on the Project tab, in the Page group.

If the project or proposal is associated with a workflow with multiple stages, you can click Submit to kick off the workflow once you've added as much information as you can on the project detail pages.

When you first create a project or proposal, it is only visible to the project owner. To make it visible to the team members assigned to tasks in the project, you need to publish the project. For more information on publishing a project, see Publish a project.

Create a new SharePoint Tasks List project

To create a new SharePoint Tasks List project:

  1. On the Quick Launch, click Projects.

  2. On the Projects tab, click New, and then choose SharePoint Tasks List, or choose a SharePoint Tasks List project template that is specific for your organization.

  3. On the Start a new project dialog box, type a name for the new project, and then click Create.

    Note:  If you have already started a project plan using a task list in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013, you can click Import from SharePoint sites to add that list as a project in the Project Center. For more information, see Add an existing SharePoint task list to Project Web App.

  4. Once the project site is created, click edit in the gray box on the left side of the Project Summary Web Part.

  5. Use the Tasks page to add your project's tasks, including Due Date and Assigned To information.

    Tip:  For more information on creating tasks on a project site, see Add tasks to your project.

Once you have created this task list, if you return to Project Web App you see it listed as a project in the Project Center. Updates made to the task list on the project site are reflected in the Project Center in Project Web App.

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