Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Export Wizard and Import Wizard

Export Wizard and Import Wizard

Use the Export Wizard or the Import Wizard to create an export/import map and either save Microsoft Office Project 2007 information in a format recognized by another program or important information created in another program into Project 2007. Using predefined or custom export/import maps, these wizards provide you with easy-to-follow instructions for placing exported or imported data in the appropriate destination fields.

Note: The name that appears at the top of the wizard will be either Export Wizard or Import Wizard, depending on whether you are exporting or importing project information.

Using the Export Wizard and Import Wizard, you can export or import project information to the following formats:

  • Microsoft Office Excel workbook (.xls)

  • Excel Pivot Table (.xls)

  • Text, tab-delimited (.txt)

  • Comma delimited (.csv)

  • Extensible markup language (.xml)

Dialog box location

Export Wizard    Open and make active the project whose information you want to export. On the File menu, click Save As. In the Save as type box, click the file format you want. Click Save and the introductory page of the Export Wizard appears.

Import Wizard    Open a file that uses one of the supported file formats. The Import Wizard opens automatically.

Note: The wizard pages you'll see depends on the file format you've selected and the various choices you make as you work through the wizard.


Data page

Note: The Data page only appears in the Export Wizard.

Project Excel Template or Selected Data    If you are exporting to an Excel workbook, click Project Excel Template or Selected Data, which is the default. If you select Project Excel Template, no additional mapping is needed. The information is automatically mapped using a built-in template designed for exporting information from Project 2007 to Excel.

Map page

New map    Select New map if you want to create a new export map for this file format from scratch. This is the default.

Use existing map    Select Use existing map if you want to use a map you've created and saved previously, or if you want to use a ready-made map provided by Project 2007.

Import Mode page

Note: This page only appears in the Import Wizard.

As a new project     Specifies that you want to import the data into a new project .mpp file.

Append the data to the active project     Specifies that you want to add the data to the end of the active project.

Merge the data into the active project     Specifies that you want to merge the data in the fields in the active project using a primary key. Specify the primary key for the merging by using the Set Merge key button on either the Task Mapping, Resource Mapping, or Assignment Mapping pages.

Map Selection page

This page appears if you selected Use existing map in the previous Map page.

  1. Select the map you want to use. This list includes export/import maps provided by Project 2007, as well as any maps you have previously created and saved.

  2. Click Next to modify the map. Click Finish to instantly export the project data according to the map as it stands.

Map Options page

Select the types of data you want to export/import section

Tasks    Specifies that all task information in the project should be exported or imported to the selected file format. (This does not include task-timephased information.)

Resources    Specifies that all resource information in the project should be exported or imported to the selected file format. (This does not include resource-timephased information.)

Assignments    Specifies that all assignment information in the project should be exported or imported to the selected file format. (This does not include assignment-timephased information.)

Microsoft Office Excel options section

This section appears if you're exporting to or importing from an Excel workbook.

Export includes headers    Specifies that your new Excel file that contains project information will include the header row of sheet column headers, for example, Task Name, Duration, Start Date, and so on. By default, this check box is selected.

Include assignment rows in output    Specifies that assignment rows should be included with tasks or resources, even if the Assignments check box is not selected.

Text file options section

This section appears if you're exporting to a text file (tab-delimited or comma-delimited).

Export includes headers    Specifies that your new text file that contains project information will include the header row of sheet column headers, for example, Task Name, Duration, Start Date, and so on. By default, this check box is selected.

Include assignment rows in output    Specifies that assignment rows should be included with tasks or resources, even if the Assignments check box is not selected.

Text delimiter    Specifies whether information for different columns will be separated by a tab, a space, or a comma.

File origin    Specifies the origin of the text file, for example, Windows (ANSI), indicating a Windows text file according to ANSI standards.

Task/Resource/Assignment Mapping page

Map Tasks/Resources/Assignments Data section

Destination name    Specifies the name of the resulting file when the export is complete. This box only appears in the Export Wizard.

Export filter    Specifies any filter that will be applied to the information being exported. By default, All Tasks or All Resources is selected. Click any other filter you want to apply to provide a more defined focus for the information being exported or imported. If you are exporting or importing assignments only, no filters are available. This list only appears in the Export Wizard.

Source table name     Specifies the name of the table into which the data will be imported. This box only appears in the Import Wizard.

Verify or edit how you want to map the data section (data map table)

From:    Shows the field names that are being exported or imported. Click in a blank cell and either type the field name or select it from the list. If you selected that tasks be exported or imported, task fields are listed. If you selected that resources be exported or imported, resource fields are listed. If you selected that assignments be exported or imported, then assignment fields are listed.

To:    Specifies the name of the field name that will be the column heading to this information. Default names are filled in as soon as you enter the field, but you can change the name if you want. This field is available only if you selected the Export header row or Export includes headers check box in the Map Options wizard page.

Data Type    Specifies how the data will be interpreted in the exported or imported format, for example, as text, date, number, currency, and so on.

Command buttons

Move Up    Moves the position of the selected field up so that it appears sooner in the resulting exported or imported table.

Move Down    Moves the position of the selected field down so that it appears later in the resulting exported or imported table.

Add All    Inserts all available project fields of the selected type (Task, Resource, Assignment) to the export/import map.

Clear All    Removes all fields entered in the export/import map table so that you can start from scratch.

Insert Row    Adds a new row above the selected row. This button is available only if you are adding your own selected fields, rather than all fields.

Delete Row    Removes the selected row from the export/import map table.

Base on Table    Opens the Select Base Table for Field Mapping dialog box. Use this dialog box if you want to export the fields found in a specific Project 2007 table.

Set Merge Key    After select a field in the To: column, click the Set Merge Key button to indicate which field that you want to merge data into. This button appears only for the Import Wizard when you select the Merge the data into the active project option on the Import Mode page.

Preview section

MS Project    Shows the names of the Project 2007 fields being exported or imported.

Destination    Shows the corresponding names of the fields in the resulting exported or imported file. This appears only if you selected the Export/Import header row or Export/Import includes headers check box in the Map Options wizard page.

Preview    Shows a sample of actual data as it will appear in the exported or imported file.

End of Map Definition page

Save Map    Opens the Save Map dialog box, which you can use to save the map for future use, either in this or other projects. You can use the Organizer to copy this map to the global project template, or to another project file.

Finish    Completes the export or import process.

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