Sunday, February 17, 2019

Table Definition dialog box

Table Definition dialog box

Use the Table Definition dialog box to create, review, or change a table definition. You can:

  • Review or modify an existing table definition, such as the Cost table or Entry table.

  • Create a new table, by specifying the fields, titles, and alignment to be included.

  • Rearrange the order of columns in a table.

Dialog box location

In Project 2016, 2013, and 2010: on the View tab, click Tables and then More Tables. Click New. Or, select an existing table and then click Edit or Copy.

In Project 2007: on the View menu, point to Table, and then click More Tables. Select Task to review or create a task table. Select Resource to review or create a resource table. Click New. Or, select an existing table and then click Edit or Copy.


General table information

Name    Specifies the name of the table.

Show in menu     Displays the name of the table on the Table submenu. Clear the check box to hide the table name. By default, this check box is cleared for new tables.

Command buttons

Cut Row     Removes the selected row from the table definition table and temporarily stores it on the Clipboard. While this removes the field from the table, it does not remove data from the field.

Copy Row     Duplicates the selected row in the table definition table, and temporarily stores it on the Clipboard.

Paste Row     Inserts the last row you cut or copied from the table definition table above the selected row.

Insert Row     Adds a blank row in the table definition table above the selected row.

Delete Row     Permanently removes the selected row in the table definition table. While this removes the field from the table, it does not remove data from the field.

Table definition table

The following are fields in the table definition table. The information in each row represents a column that will be drawn in the table. The first row defines the first column in the table. The second row defines the second column in the table, and so on.

Field Name     Specifies the name of the field whose information will be contained in the table column. Click in the Field Name field, click the arrow, and then select the that field. If you selected the Task option in the More Tables dialog box, all task fields are listed. If you selected the Resource option in the More Tables dialog box, all resource fields are listed.

Align Data     Specifies the location of data in the cell: left, center, or right. Click in the Align Data field, click the arrow, and then select the alignment that you want for the selected field. By default, data is aligned right.

Width     Specifies the column width for this field. By default, the width is set at 10.

Title     Specifies the name of the column heading, if you want it to be different from the field name. This is especially useful if the field is a custom field, such as Number1 or Text3.

Align Title     Specifies the location of the title in the column heading: left, center, or right. By default, the title is centered.

Header Wrapping     Specifies whether the column heading can wrap to multiple lines if it needs the space. If this is set to No, the column heading is cut off if it runs longer than the column width.

Table format options

Date format     Specifies how the date appears in the table. Click Default to choose the date format specified on the View tab of the Options dialog box (Tools menu).

Row height     Specifies the height of the table rows. For example, choosing 3 would make the row height 3 times the standard row height.

Lock first column     Locks the left column in the table (usually the ID number or name) so it doesn't scroll out of view. Information in the locked column cannot be edited in the table.

Auto-adjust header row heights     Adjusts the height of header rows to accommodate word wrapping to multiple lines in the field header. When this check box is cleared, and the text in a header is too wide or too long to fit in the available space of its current setting, the additional text is not visible. By default, this check box is selected.

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