Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Mediation Server: General

Mediation Server: General

Use this tab to configure settings for the Mediation Server.

Note: Any changes to the Communications Server listening IP address and the Gateway listening IP address and port settings on this tab do not take effect until you restart the Office Communications Server Mediation Server. Any changes to the A/V Edge Server and Default location profile settings on this tab do not take effect until Active Directory replication is finished.


Verify that the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) listed here is the FQDN of this Mediation Server and resolves to the configured Communications Server listening IP address.

Communications Server listening IP address

To specify the IP address of the internal edge of the Mediation Server on which the Mediation Server listens for call traffic from the Office Communications Server, select an IP address from the list. Typically, this is the first address.

Gateway listening IP address

To specify the IP address of the external edge of the Mediation Server on which the Mediation Server listens for call traffic from the media gateway, select an IP address from the list.


To specify a different port number for the Mediation Server to use to listen for call traffic from the media gateway, type the port number. The default is 5060.

A/V Edge Server

To specify the A/V Edge Server that hosts the A/V Authentication Service for this Mediation Server, select the FQDN:Port from the list.

Default location profile

To select the default location profile for this Mediation Server, select it from the list of location profiles. The list contains all location profiles defined for your organization.


To review the particular normalization rules making up a location profile, select the profile from the list and then click View.

Media port range

Specify the range of ports to be used by the Mediation Server for Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) streams. The range must include a minimum of 100 ports. The default range of 60000 to 64000 should only be changed if it does not meet your organization's port assignment policy.

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Configuration of the settings on the General tab is required in order for the Mediation Server to be available in the drop-down list box of the Add Route dialog box of the Routes tab.

The Communications Server listening IP address setting must match the address that is returned by a Domain Name System (DNS) query on the Mediation Server's FQDN. If the two addresses do not match, the IP address listed in DNS for your FQDN cannot connect, and call traffic will not be directed to an interface that listens for Office Communications Server traffic.

For the Gateway listening IP address setting, the external edge of a Mediation Server should be configured as the internal next-hop proxy for the media gateway. The default port is 5060. It should be identified by a unique combination of IP address and port number. For improved security, the IP address should not be the same as that of the internal edge. The gateway listening IP address is the address on the Mediation Server that listens for traffic from a basic media gateway or Basic Hybrid Media Gateway. This address corresponds to the network adapter that serves as the external edge of the Mediation Server.

For the Media port range setting, the configurable range is between 49152 and 65535; however, we recommend that you use the default port range, which is 60000 to 64000, due to the following factors:

  • High-bandwidth traffic such as voice and video tends to stress poorly provisioned networks, and reducing the port range greatly reduces server capacity.

  • Limiting media traffic to a known range of ports makes troubleshooting bandwidth problems easier.

The default range media port range enables the server to handle up to 1,000 simultaneous voice calls. Changing the port range should be undertaken only for specific reasons by an administrator who is knowledgeable about media port requirements and scenarios.

For details, see the Deployment section or Operations section of the Office Communications Server Technical Library.

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