Sunday, December 9, 2018

Add or remove a timesheet task (line)

Add or remove a timesheet task (line)

Each line on your timesheet is used to capture your actual work for the selected reporting period. You can add lines for different categories of time that you want to capture, or you can remove a line if you no longer have any time to report on the task.

What do you want to do?

Add a project task

Add an administrative task

Add other work

Remove a task

Add a project task

  1. On the Quick Launch, under My Work, click Timesheet Center.

  2. In the Timesheet Name column, click the timesheet to which you are adding a task.

    If you do not see the timesheet that you want to modify, use the view selection list on the right side of the toolbar to view the timesheets for different time periods.

  3. On the My Timesheet page, click Add Lines.

  4. Click Select from existing assignments, and then select the appropriate tasks from the box.

    To select more than one task, hold down CTRL and click each task that you want to add.

  5. Select a category of work from the Select a line Classification list.

    Classifications are categories that your organization defines for the work that you do. For example, your organization may have different classifications for billable and nonbillable work.

    Note: The classification that you select will be applied to all lines that you add at this time. To add lines with a different classification, finish adding the first set of lines, and then repeat these steps to add more lines to your timesheet.

  6. In the Comment box, type any comments you may have about the lines that you are adding.

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Add an administrative task

Administrative tasks can include vacation time, sick leave, or other business-approved categories for reporting time, such as time spent in meetings or replying to e-mail. You can add administrative time to your timesheet on the Timesheet Center page.

  1. On the Quick Launch, under My Work, click Timesheet Center.

  2. Click Plan Administrative Time.

  3. In the Administrative Time dialog box, select the category for your administrative time from the Category list.

  4. Select a Work Type, if applicable.

  5. Type a brief description of the administrative work in the Description box.

  6. Select the reporting period for the administrative work from the Period list.

    Be sure to select the correct reporting period for the administrative time, to ensure that it appears on your timesheet.

  7. Type the hours that you committed or planned to work, or both, on the nonproject task in the corresponding rows in the grid. You also can enter your actual or committed work hours on your timesheet for administrative time.

    • Committed hours reflect the time that you performed work on the administrative task during the reporting period. For example, if you worked all day Thursday in meetings, type 8h in the grid for the corresponding date.

    • Planned hours reflect the time that you want to reserve on your schedule. For example, you may want to take one week of vacation in the summer. You locate the reporting period for the time you want to reserve for vacation and then enter the planned hours for that week.


      • Administrative tasks can be added only one category at a time. For example, if you need to add two categories of administrative time to your timesheet to reflect vacation and meetings, you must add an administrative task for vacation first, and then repeat the steps to add an administrative task for time spent in meetings.

      • Planned time can be edited only in the Administrative Time dialog box.

      • If an administrative task has no assigned approver, reported time is automatically approved and added to the task; if you are the approver for a task, any work you submit for that task is automatically approved.

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Add other work

Some tasks may not be part of a project but cannot be categorized as administrative time by your organization. For example, you may have an important business lunch with an executive at a client site, or you may have attended a conference. Your organization cannot track these tasks as administrative time, because they happen infrequently. You can easily add nonproject time to your timesheet on the Timesheet Center page.

Tip: If you frequently report time that is not associated with an existing project or administrative time classification, your organization may want to add a new classification for the activity.

  1. On the Quick Launch, under My Work, click Timesheet Center.

  2. In the Timesheet Name column, click the timesheet to which you are adding a task.

    If you do not see the timesheet that you want to create, use the view selection list on the right side of the toolbar to view the timesheets for different time periods.

  3. On My Timesheet, click Add Lines.

  4. Click Type a name for the new timesheet line, and then type the name of your new timesheet line in the box. You can type multiple lines at any given time, separated by a carriage return.

    Use this option to capture the time spent on work that is not related to the tasks and projects tracked in Microsoft Office Project 2007.

  5. Select a category of work from the Select a line Classification list.

    Classifications are categories that your organization defines for the work that you do. For example, your organization may have different classifications for billable and nonbillable work.

    Note: The classification that you select will be applied to all the lines you add at this time. To add lines with a different classification, finish adding the first set of lines, and then repeat these steps to add more lines to your timesheet.

  6. In the Comment box, type any comments you may have about the lines that you are adding.

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Remove a task

You may have tasks on your timesheet that you'd like to see "go away." For example, your timesheet may include a line to capture planned sick leave for a doctor's appointment, but you may not have taken any sick leave during the reporting period. If you have no time to report on a task, and if you have not yet submitted your timesheet, you can delete the task from your timesheet rather than use the Plan Administrative Time option to alter the planned time off. This option is also useful for time that requires your manager's approval, where the request was rejected, or for other reasons that resulted in time that has not yet been approved.

  1. On My Timesheet, select the check box next to each task that you want to remove from your timesheet.

  2. Click Delete Lines.


  • Removing a task from your timesheet does not remove it from the project or remove your task assignment.

  • If you remove a task accidentally, you can add it back to your timesheet by following the steps to add project, administrative, or other work to your timesheet. Any time that you entered in the grid for the task must be entered again.

  • If you need to remove a task from your timesheet after submitting it, you can recall your timesheet and make the correction if it has not yet been approved by the final approver. If the final approver has approved your timesheet, you cannot remove the task.

Why can't I perform some actions in Microsoft Office Project Web Access?

Depending on the permissions settings you used to log on to Project Web Access, you may not be able to see or use certain features. Also, what you see on some pages may differ from what is documented if your server administrator customized Project Web Access and did not customize the Help to match.

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