Friday, October 6, 2017

Skype for Business blocked users report

Skype for Business blocked users report

The new Office 365 Reports dashboard shows you the activity overview across the Office 365 products in your organization. It enables you to drill in to individual product level reports to give you more granular insight about the activities within each product. For example, you can use the Skype for Business Blocked users report to see the users in your organization that have been blocked from making PSTN calls. This report along with the other Skype for Business reports give you details on activity including PSTN usage across your organization.

Check out Reports overview for more reports that are available.

Note: You can see all of the Skype for Business reports when you log on as an administrator to the Office 365 admin center.

How to get to the Skype for Business Users blocked report

  1. Go to the Office 365 admin center > Reports

  2. Select Reports from the left menu then click Usage.

  3. From the drop down under Select a report, click Skype for Business Users blocked.

    Blocked users widget.

    Important: Depending on the Office 365 subscription you have, you might not see all the products and reports that are shown here.

Interpret the Skype for Business Blocked users report

You can get a view into your user's Skype for Business Blocked user by looking at each of the columns that are displayed.

This is what the report looks like.

Block users report.


The table shows you a breakdown of the all of the users that are blocked from making calls. This shows all users that have Phone System in Office 365 or Audio Conferencing assigned to them. You can add/remove columns to the table.

  • User ID is the user's sign in.

  • Phone number is the number that is assigned to a user.

  • Block action time is the time (UTC) that the user was blocked from making calls.

  • Block action is the type of action that was taken to block the user.

  • Block action reason is the reason the user has been blocked from making calls.


Click to drag a column to To group by a particular column, drag and drop the column header here if you want to create a view that groups all of the data in one or more columns.


You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file, by clicking or tapping the Export to Excel button.

This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis. If you have less than 2000 users, you can sort and filter within the table in the report itself. If you have more than 2000 users, in order to filter and sort, you will need to export the data.

Want to see other Skype for Business reports?

See Also

Activity Reports in the Office 365 admin center

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