Monday, June 13, 2022

Troubleshooting recording issues

To record audio in a Microsoft Lync 2010 meeting, call, or conference, you must be using computer audio through Lync 2010. If your computer's audio is not currently being recorded, you should check for the conditions described in this topic.

In this article

Why isn't my incoming or outgoing audio being recorded?

If neither incoming nor outgoing audio is being recorded, this may be due to any of the following:

  • The audio portion of the conversation or meeting was never started. To start Lync audio, in a Conversation window, click Call.

  • Audio was started, but it was inadvertently stopped. To restart Lync audio, in a Conversation window, click Rejoin.

  • Audio was started, but it was inadvertently put on hold. To restart Lync 2010 audio, in a Conversation window, click Resume Call.

  • You connected to audio by using a phone or a device that is not connected through Lync. For example, you may be using a regular telephone to dial into the meeting, or you may have connected to audio by having Lync call you on a regular telephone. In either case, audio cannot be recorded.

Why isn't my outgoing audio being recorded?

If incoming audio is being recorded but outgoing audio is not, you may be muted. In a Conversation window, click the microphone icon to unmute your microphone.

How to troubleshoot recording online meetings in Skype for Business Online


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