Monday, June 13, 2022

Create a subpage in microsoft onenote

To help you stay organized, you can create subpages by indenting pages in OneNote on your iPad or iPhone. You'll need to have a least two pages in the section before you can make one a subpage.

  1. Tap Edit at the top of the list of pages.

  2. Tap the page you'd like to indent as a subpage.

  3. Tap the right indent icon at the bottom of the page list.

    The page will become indented, and will be a subpage of the page above.

  4. To outdent the page, tap the left outdent button at the bottom of the page list.

  5. Tap Done at the top of the page lists when you're finished editing the pages.

    Note: Once you have indented pages to create subpages, you cannot currently collapse in order to hide subpages.


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