Monday, June 13, 2022

Create a named range from selected cells in a worksheet

You can quickly create a named range by using a selection of cells in the worksheet.

Note: Named ranges that are created from selecting cells have a workbook-level scope.

  1. Select the range you want to name, including the row or column labels.

  2. Click Formulas > Create from Selection.

  3. In the Create Names from Selection dialog box, select the checkbox (es) depending on the location of your row/column header. If you have only a header row at the top of the table, then just select Top row. Suppose you have a top row and left column header, then select Top row and Left column options, and so on.

  4. Click OK.

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Create a named range in Excel

Insert a named range into a formula in Excel

Use the Name Manager in Excel

Define and use names in formulas

Why am I seeing the Name Conflict dialog box in Excel?


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