Sunday, October 1, 2017

Configure proxy server and timeout settings

Configure proxy server and timeout settings

  1. On the Search Administration page, under Crawling, click Proxy and timeouts.

  2. On the Manage Farm-Level Search Settings page, in the Contact E-mail Address section, in the E-mail Address box, type a contact e-mail address. This is required, and enables administrators of sites that are crawled to contact the appropriate person if crawling is causing problems or is unwanted.

  3. In the Proxy Server Settings section, select either of the following:

    • Do not connect by using a proxy server      Select this option if you want to connect to other servers for crawling without using a proxy server.

    • Use the proxy server specified      Select this option if you want to crawl other servers through a proxy server. If you select this option, configure the following:

      • In the Address box, type the address of the proxy server.

      • In the Port box, type the port for the proxy server if necessary.

      • If you want to bypass the proxy server for intranet addresses, select the Bypass proxy server for local (intranet) addresses check box.

      • If you do not want use the proxy server for particular addresses, type those addresses in the Do not use proxy server for addresses beginning with text box. Separate the addresses with semi-colons.

  4. In the Timeout Settings section, in the Connection time (in seconds) box, type the number of seconds the crawling server should wait before timing out when attempting to contact a server targeted for crawling.

  5. In the Request acknowledgement time (in seconds) box, type the number of seconds the crawling server should wait for a a request acknowledgement from a server contacted for crawling.

  6. In the SSL Certificate Warning Configuration section, select the Ignore SSL certificate name warnings check box if you want to trust that sites are legitimate even if their certificate names do not exactly match what is expected.

  7. Click OK.

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