Wednesday, November 30, 2016

KPI configuration overview

KPI configuration overview

When you create a new Key Performance Indicator (KPI) or open an existing KPI, PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer automatically displays an Editor tab and a Properties tab in the workspace.

  • Use the Editor tab to configure values for the KPI. For example, you can configure how you want to display numbers, create or modify KPI data source mappings, or specify threshold values for KPI indicators. You can also specify how PerformancePoint Monitoring Server calculates KPI scores and summary values.

  • Use the Properties tab to configure general properties for the KPI. For example, you can specify its name and owner, or specify custom properties for it such as a link to additional information. You can also specify who can access the KPI and under what conditions.

For information about how to create a new KPI, see Create a KPI.

What do you want to do?

Open the Dashboard Designer workspace to configure properties or settings

Configure KPI properties and settings

Next steps

Open the Dashboard Designer workspace to configure properties or settings

When you create a KPI, Dashboard Designer automatically opens a workspace for the KPI and displays the Editor tab and the Properties tab in the center pane of that workspace.

However, if you want to configure a published KPI, you must do the following to open a workspace for that KPI:

  1. Click KPIs in the Workspace Browser to display a list of KPIs in the workspace.

    The center pane of the workspace displays two tabs: Server and Workspace. The Server tab lists all the KPIs that are published to Monitoring Server, and that you have permission to view. The Workspace tab lists all the KPIs that you have created or opened in your workspace.

  2. Click the Workspace tab to view the list of KPIs that are available in your workspace. If the KPI that you want to configure is not listed, click the Server tab, and then double-click the KPI that you want to configure.

  3. The Editor tab and the Properties tab appear in the center workspace. Click the Editor tab to configure KPI values. Click the Properties tab to configure properties or permissions.

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Configure KPI properties and settings

To use a KPI in a scorecard, you must configure all the settings listed in the following table. You can configure the settings in any order.

Some important considerations to remember as you configure KPI settings include the following:

  • Each KPI represents a specific set of metrics, and each set of metrics connects to a data source that contains that data. Thus, the designer must explicitly map the KPI to the pertinent subset of data in the data source.

  • Each KPI can represent a different kind of performance metric. For example, the value of one KPI might be a simple count of employees, and another KPI might represent the percentage of employees who were promoted. Thus, the designer must specify how to format and display each numeric value.

  • If the KPI uses a series of graphic indicators to reflect performance, the designer must specify which indicator to use for each set of values. For example, a designer might specify that the average waiting time for customer service must be less than 12 minutes, and choose a down arrow to indicate wait times that are more than 12 minutes.

To learn more about a particular setting, click the appropriate link.

Configuration setting or property


Configure KPI number formats

Describes the different ways you can format numeric KPI values.

Configure KPI properties and permissions

Describes the different ways you can format numeric KPI values.

Set indicator thresholds for KPI target values

Describes how to set the threshold values that Monitoring Server uses to determine when to change the indicator that represents the state of the KPI.

Specify the calculation setting for a KPI

Describes how to configure the method that Monitoring Server uses to calculate a KPI score.

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Next steps

After you configure a KPI, you can use it in a scorecard. Click the link that best matches your next task or your overall task.

See how to add, delete, or rearrange scorecard rows and columns

See how to create a scorecard hierarchy, or change a KPI position in the hierarchy

See all steps that are required to build a scorecard

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