Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Convert from Microsoft Money wizard: options and information

Convert from Microsoft Money wizard: options and information

The Convert from Microsoft Money wizard helps you import and convert data from Microsoft Money to Microsoft Office Accounting.

Migrate one Money file at a time. If you have more than one file to migrate, complete the Convert from Microsoft Money wizard for each file.

Important: To import a Microsoft Money file, the version of Microsoft Money that is installed on your computer must be the same as the version that was used to create the data file.

Start the wizard

  1. On the File menu, click Close Company.

  2. On the Start - Microsoft Office Accounting page, click Import data from Microsoft® Money.

Wizard pages

Welcome to Convert from Microsoft® Money

Click the list of supported Money versions link to find out which versions and editions of Money are supported by this wizard. If your version is not supported, you cannot use the wizard, however you can export your data files to a Microsoft Office Excel worksheet, and then import the data into Office Accounting using the Import Data Wizard.

In Select a Money file for migration, click Browse to select a Money file for migration. Password-protected files will prompt you to enter authorization credentials. If the Microsoft Money File Authentication dialog box appears, enter the appropriate password in the Password field and click OK.

After selecting a file, click Next.

Migrate Accounts

The Migrate Accounts page summarizes the accounts Office Accounting has identified in the Money file you selected. To include an account in the migration, select the corresponding check box in the Migrate column of the table.

When you have finished selecting accounts for migration, click Next.

Migrate Payees

The Migrate Payees page lists the payees eligible for migration in the Money file you selected. You can migrate an eligible payee as either a Vendor or Customer. To migrate a payee as a Vendor, select the corresponding check box in the Migrate as Vendor column of the table. To migrate a payee as a Customer, select the corresponding check box in the Migrate as Customer column of the table.

When you have finished selecting payees for migration, click Next.

Select add-in packs

Add-in packs are additional programs from Microsoft or other software vendors that add features to Office Accounting that allow you to perform additional tasks and analyze your data more effectively. Examples of add-in packs include PayPal, Equifax, and Fixed Asset Manager.

To activate an add-in listed in the table, select the corresponding check box in the Enabled column. Clear the check boxes for add-ins that you do not want to activate. To browse for other add-ins on the computer where Office Accounting is installed, click Add.

When you have finished selecting add-in packs, click Next.

Data Pending Migration

The Data Pending Migration page summarizes the Microsoft Money record types the wizard will migrate to Office Accounting.

Note: In some cases data category names will change.

To begin the migration, click Import.

Data Migration Completed

The Data Migration Completed page summarizes the results of the Money migration. The Successful column indicates the number of records successfully migrated for each data type. The Errors column indicates the number of records that generated errors and were not migrated for each data type.

To review details of the migration, including which records generated errors, open the migration log at the following location:

Windows Vista    drive:\Users\user\Documents\Small Business Accounting\Logs

Windows XP    drive:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\Small Business Accounting\Logs

Click Finish to exit the Convert from Microsoft Money wizard and open the new company file that has been created.

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