Wednesday, March 24, 2021

What is persistent chat in skype for business

If you see the Chat Rooms tab in the Skype for Business main window, persistent chat is set up in your organization. So what is persistent chat and will it be helpful in your daily work life?

Chat room tab

Persistent chat lets you create topic-based discussion (chat) rooms that persist over time and provide an array of benefits:

  • Communicate and collaborate with a group of people who have a common area of interest.

  • Share ideas and information by posting messages in real time.

  • Create alerts (notifications) and filters (topic feeds) to track conversations in particular rooms and about specific topics.

  • Search for content within and across rooms.

  • Find ideas and information by browsing or searching the chat history.

    Note: Messages are saved over time and can be viewed by new and existing chat room participants at any time.

  • Create and manage your own chat rooms if you've been authorized by your Skype for Business administrator.

Important: Conversational style in a chat room is typically casual, but remember whatever you write in a chat room is permanent. Anyone with access to the room can see what you've written for as long as the chat room is enabled.

Why chat?

Persistent chat is a great way to add efficiencies to your organization's online activity. Persistent chat rooms are:

  • Easy to access      Find and open chat rooms and monitor chat room activity directly from the Skype for Business main window.

  • Easy to monitor      Find out about chat room activity by choosing the Chat Rooms tab in the Skype for Business main window. In this view, you'll see the number of new messages next to the chat room name. You can also set up topic feeds and notifications that alert you to the kinds of new messages you want to see.

  • A way to contain communications      Chat rooms can reduce randomization by replacing some distribution lists, which helps reduce email inbox clutter. And, chat rooms provide a place to post questions for experts, which helps reduce the number of instant messages (IMs).

  • Ideal for evolving topics      Chat rooms provide a place to post and review news and innovative thinking.

Consider using chat rooms to:

  • Coordinate events

  • Create ask-the-expert and Q&A forums

  • Brainstorm

  • Create a bulletin-board environment for evolving topics

  • Collect feedback from colleagues and test new features

  • Share information among employees across different working hours and locations

See Also

Create and manage a Skype for Business chat room

Use topic feeds to monitor Skype for Business chat room activity

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