Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Edit an assignment in microsoft teams

Edit an assignment even after you've assigned it to your students. Add additional resources, update the assignment timeline, change the points available, and more.

Note: Rubrics can't be added to assignments you've already posted to students.

  1. Navigate to the General channel in the desired classroom and then select Assignments. You can also use your search bar to search for an assignment by keyword.

  2. Select the assignment you'd like to edit, then Edit assignment.

    Edit assignment

    Tip: Select the Expansion icon (diagonal, double sided arrow) to enter full-screen mode.

  3. Make the changes you need.

  4. Select Update to save your changes.

Learn more

Create an assignment

Save an assignment as a draft

Review, return, and turn in assignments using the feedback loop

Additional resources for educators


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