Saturday, March 20, 2021

Privacy supplement for office 365 admin mobile app for windows phone

Last updated: October 2013

This is a supplement to the Privacy Statement for Microsoft Online Services.

Keep me signed in

What this feature does:    When selected on the sign in page the user will not be required to enter their credentials each time the app is launched.

Information collected, processed or transmitted:    When Keep me signed in is selected user name and password are encrypted and stored in the application storage.

Use of information:    When Keep me signed in is selected the user is not required to re-enter their user name and password each time the app is launched or resumed.

Choice/Control:    User may select or de-select Keep me signed in on the app sign in page. When Keep me signed in is de-selected saved encrypted user credentials are deleted from the app.

Send Error Information to Microsoft

What this feature does:    Send error information allows the application to collect and send client-side logs to Microsoft to help investigate application errors that may be encountered. Type of events which generate a client side error include interrupted dataflow between the app and the service and internal application errors.

Information collected, processed, or transmitted:    When send error information is enabled information such as error code and error occurrence time stamp is logged. The application will check once in a 24 hour period for error log data; if error log data exists the application will send error information to Microsoft. The user's domain name is included in the error information sent to Microsoft. No personally identifiable information is sent to Microsoft.

Use of information:    The information contained in the send error information report is used by Microsoft to identify common application errors and to help improve the Office 365 Admin app user experience.

Choice/Control:    By default the send error information feature is off and may be enabled by the application user. The feature may be enabled/dis-abled and network preference for transmitting error data to Microsoft can be updated in the application settings page.

Send error information can be enabled as follows:

  1. Sign into the Office 365 Admin app.

  2. Tap Settings on the app bar.

  3. On the Settings page:

    1. Tap Send error information to Microsoft – user is able to opt in and send app error information to Microsoft. By default this feature is disabled.

    2. Send only when connected to Wi-Fi network (Yes is default).

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