Saturday, March 13, 2021

Disable the contact support option in outlook for mac

Contact Support is an option on the Help menu.

Help menu with Contact Support option

To disable the Contact Support option, follow these steps.

  1. On your Mac, select Spotlight button to open Spotlight.

    Spotlight is on the menu bar

  2. Type "Terminal" > Return.

  3. Type the following command, and then press Return:

      Defaults write DisableContactSupport -bool TRUE
  4. Quit and restart Outlook (Outlook > Quit Outlook). When you select the Help menu, you'll see that the Contact Support option is gone.

    Help menu without the Contact Support option

  5. To reinstate the Contact Support option, type this command, and then quit and restart Outlook:

      Defaults write DisableContactSupport -bool FALSE

See Also

Outlook 2016 for Mac help

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