Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Create a security group in project server 2010

Seven default security groups are installed with Microsoft Project Server 2010. To better meet the security requirements of your own organization, you can also create custom groups by using the Manage Groups page on the Microsoft Project Web App (PWA) site Server Settings page.

Before you perform this procedure, confirm that:

  • You have access to Project Server 2010 through Microsoft Project Web App.

Important: The Manage users and groups global permission in Project Server 2010 is required to complete this procedure.

To add a security group

Perform the following procedure to create a custom group in Project Server 2010.

Add a group

  1. On the PWA home page, in the Quick Launch, click Server Settings.

  2. On the Server Settings page, in the Security section, click Manage Groups.

  3. On the Manage Groups page, click New Group.

  4. On the Add or Edit Group page, in the Group Information section:

    1. In the Group Name box, type the name of the new group.

    2. In the Description box, type a brief description of the group.

    3. If you are synchronizing this group with a group in the Active Directory directory service, click Find Group. On the Find Group in Active Directory page, search for an Active Directory group with which to synchronize your Project Server group. Search results will appear in the group name list. From the group name list, select the group with which you want to synchronize, and then click OK. The group name will then appear in the Group Information section next to Active Directory Group to Synchronize.

      Note: There are additional Active Directory synchronization options on the Manage Groups page.

  5. In the Users section, you can add users that belong in this group. In the Available Users list, select users and then click Add to add them to the group.

    • Click Add All to add all available users to the group.

    • To select multiple users at once, press the CTRL key while making your selections.

    • Users added to the group appear in the Selected Users list.

    • Use the Remove or Remove All button to remove users from the group.

  6. In the Categories section, in the Available Categories list, select the category that you want to associate with this group, and then click Add. The categories that you select will appear in the Selected Categories list. If you want to add all available categories, click Add All.

    For each category in the Selected Categories list, specify the permissions that you want the users in the group to have in that category. The category permissions list for a specific selected category appears when you select the corresponding category in the Selected Categories list.

    You can set permissions manually for any category or you can apply a security template that contains predefined permission settings.

    • To set permissions by using a security template, in the Selected Categories list, select the category to which you want to apply the template. Select the template to apply from the list next to the Set Permissions with Template button, and then click Apply.

    • To set permissions manually in the Selected Categories list, select the category to which you want to apply permissions. In the Permissions list, click Allow or Deny for each activity. Although you can also set category permissions for individual users, it is preferable to set permissions at the group level and then add users to the group. Use category permissions for individual users with special requirements that are not covered by the permissions that are assigned to groups.

      Note: For more information about category permissions, see Project Server 2010 category permissions.

  7. In the Global Permissions section, select the global permissions for the group. You can apply global permissions manually or by using a security template. To set global permissions using a template, select the template to apply (from the list next to the Set Permissions with Template button), and then click Apply.

    For more information about global permissions, see Project Server 2010 global permissions.

  8. Click Save.

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Additional considerations

Avoid creating unnecessary groups. Having a large number of groups and categories within an organization can lead to additional management complexity. Additionally, large numbers of groups and categories can stress the authorization system, which can affect performance.

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