Friday, September 28, 2018

Creating a list view that displays responses in a hierarchy

Creating a list view that displays responses in a hierarchy

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You can create a list view that includes a form template used for creating responses to a selected list item. In the list view, the response item displays hierarchically below its parent item. Custom tool users can collapse response items under their parent items by clicking a minus (-) icon called a "twisty," and then expand the set of items by clicking a plus (+) icon.

A response to a selected record

To create this type of view, you must have at least two form templates, one each for the topic and response items. Additionally, the topic and response item form templates must reference at least one identical field. This field is used in the view to build the item hierarchy. In the example above, the topic and response form templates both reference a text field named "Summary".

  1. Import the two form templates, ensuring that they each contain a field for creating the hierarchy.

  2. Click the form template you plan to use as the response form.

  3. Click the Properties tab.

  4. Check Use this form to create responses to the selected item.

  5. Optional: In the Fields list, check the Inherit option for the shared field.

    If you check this option, new items created with the response form will inherited the field value from the parent topic. This is useful if you are creating a topic/response hierarchy that share "Subject" text.

  6. Click the view in which you are creating the response hierarchy.

  7. Click the Filter tab and make sure that both the topic and response forms are selected.

  8. Click the Columns tab and then check Show a twisty in this column when row is expandable.

  9. Save and publish your changes.

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