Thursday, February 16, 2017

Add or remove sections in a PowerPoint presentation

Add or remove sections in a PowerPoint presentation

Much like you would use folders to organize your files, you can use sections to organize your slides into meaningful groups. You can assign each colleague a section to make slide ownership clear during collaboration. And if you're starting with a blank slate, you can use sections to outline the topics in your presentation.

Add a section

  • Right-click between the two slides where you want to add a section, and then click Add Section, or press Ctrl + <.

    Click between two slides to insert a section

Rename a section

  1. To rename an existing section, right-click the Untitled Section, and click Rename Section.

  2. Enter a meaningful name for the section, and then click Rename.

    Rename a section

View all sections in a presentation

  • On the View tab, click Slide Sorter.

    Tip:  In Slide Sorter view, you'll see thumbnails of all the slides organized into sections.

    View all slides in a presentation

Move a section up or down in a list of slides

  • Right-click the section name that you want to move, and then click Move Section Up or Move Section Down.

Remove a section

  • Right-click the section name that you want to remove, and then click Remove Section.

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