Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Collaborating During Meetings

Collaborating During Meetings

Office Live Meeting Web Access offers multiple ways for you to collaborate with other participants in a meeting. You can:

  • Annotate collaborative slides, such as writing or drawing on a slide.

  • Enable one-on-one chat among attendees, or give the floor to an attendee.

  • Receive and respond to questions from attendees.

  • Type Shared Notes for all to see, and let others add to or edit them.

Most of these features are automatically available to presenters, but you must enable them manually for attendees. For more information, see Managing Meetings and Attendees.

Annotating Collaborative Slides

By using annotation tools to mark up collaborative slides, you can enhance your presentation and provide better clarity. You can also allow other participants to interact with you and with each other.

The following annotation tools are available:

  • Telepointer - Uses a large red dot to point to areas of the slide.

  • Write Text - Adds notes or comments to a slide.

  • Draw Shape - Draws lines, arrow, and shapes on a slide.

  • Draw Highlighter - Draws a color background on a slide, similar to a highlighter pen.

  • Draw Stamp - Adds an arrow, check mark, or X to a slide.

You can clear some or all of the annotations that you and other participants add to any slide during a meeting.

You can set permissions for attendees to annotate slides. For more information, see Managing Meetings and Attendees.

To use the Telepointer annotation tool

  1. In the lower toolbar, click the Show Telepointer button.

  2. In the presentation area, click the location on the slide to which you want to point. To move the telepointer, click and drag your pointer over the slide.

To use the Write Text annotation tool

  1. In the lower toolbar, click the Write Text button.

  2. Optionally, click the Open Text Tool Bar button and choose the formatting of the text that you want to type on the slide.

  3. Optionally, click the Select Color button and choose a color for the text that you want to type on the slide.

  4. In the presentation area, click the location on the slide where you want to add text, and begin typing the text.

To use the Draw Shape annotation tool

  1. In the lower toolbar, click the Draw Shape button.

  2. Optionally, click the Select Shape From the List button and choose the type of line or shape that you want to draw on the slide.

  3. Optionally, click the Select Color button and choose a color for the line or shape that you want to draw on the slide.

  4. In the presentation area, click the location on the slide where you want to start drawing, and drag your pointer to create the lines and shapes.

To use the Draw Highlighter annotation tool

  1. In the lower toolbar, click the Draw Highlighter button.

  2. In the presentation area, click the location on the slide where you want to start highlighting, and then drag your pointer over the highlighted area.

To use the Draw Stamp annotation tool

  1. In the lower toolbar, click the Draw Stamp button.

  2. Optionally, click the Select Stamp From the List button and choose the type of stamp that you want to add, such as an arrow, check mark, or X.

  3. In the presentation area, click the location on the slide where you want to add the stamp.

To clear an annotation from a slide

  1. In the lower toolbar, click the Clear Annotation(s) button.

  2. In the presentation area, click the annotation that you want to clear.

To clear all annotations from a slide

  1. In the lower toolbar, click the Clear All Annotations button.

  2. In the Confirm Clear Annotations dialog box, click OK.

Using Chat

Chat allows participants to have brief, separate one-on-one conversations away from the larger group. Chats are a useful way for presenters to communicate with participants during a meeting. If you enable chat for attendees, they can chat with one another. You can also block individual participants from chatting with you.

You can set permissions for attendees to participate in chats. For more information, see Managing Meetings and Attendees.

However, you do not need to enable Chat permissions in order to start a Chat session with an attendee who asks a question or raises their hand.

To chat one-on-one with a participant

  1. In the main command bar, click Attendees.

  2. In the Attendees pane, right-click the participant name with whom you want to start a chat session, and then click Chat.

  3. In the 1:1 Chat window, type a message that you want to send to the participant, and then click Send. The chat session continues until one of you closes the 1:1 Chat window.

To block a participant from chatting one-on-one with you

  1. In the main command bar, click Attendees.

  2. In the Attendees pane, right-click the participant name that you want to block from starting a chat session with you, and then click Block Chat.

Managing Questions

Use Question Manager to view questions from participants and to provide your responses. Question Manager identifies each question by the person who asked it and the time it was posted. You can respond to questions in the following ways:

  • Respond privately to the question.

  • Respond to the question and allow all participants to view the question and response (but not the identity of the person who asked).

  • Dismiss the question.

Question Manager also displays when a participant raises his or her hand. You can respond to a raised hand in the following ways:

  • Start a one-on-one chat with the participant.

  • Give the floor to a participant, allowing him or her to type messages that appear in all participants' consoles (similar to a chat session window).

  • Dismiss the raised hand, indicating that you are not free to address it.

At any time during or after a meeting, you can view a log of all question and answer activity from a meeting. You can set permissions to allow attendees to ask questions. For more information, see Managing Meetings and Attendees. As a presenter, you can also ask questions to other presenters and raise your hand. To learn about asking questions and raising your hand, see Collaborating During Meetings.

To view Question Manager

  1. In the main command bar, click Q&A.

  2. In the Questions and Answers pane, click the Manage tab.

To respond to a question

  1. In Question Manager, under Questions, click the question to which you want to respond. Questions are indicated by a question mark in a balloon icon to the left of the participant's name.

  2. Under [participant]'s Question, type your response to the question.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To send the response only to the participant who asked the question, click Post Privately.

    • To display the question and your response in the Q&A panes of all participants, click Post to All.

    • To dismiss the question, click Delete.

To give the floor to a participant who asks a question

  1. In Question Manager, under Questions, click the question asked by the participant to whom you want to give the floor.

  2. Click Give the Floor.

To respond to raised hand

  1. In Question Manager, under Questions, click the raised hand to which you want to respond. A raised hand is indicated by a hand-shaped icon to the left of the participant's name.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To chat with the participant, click Chat.

    • To give the floor to the participant, click Give the Floor.

    • To dismiss the raised hand, click Delete.

To view the Question Log

  • In Question Manager, click Show Log.

To clear the Question Log

  • In Question Manager, click Clear Log.

Using Shared Notes

You can take notes during a meeting and share them with the group by using Shared Notes. Shared Notes appear in a window that all participants can view by clicking the Shared Notes button in their upper toolbars. As a presenter, you can view and edit Shared Notes.

You can set permission for attendees to view, save (for Windows-based client users), and edit these notes; to view and save them only; or not to view them at all. For more information, see Managing Meetings and Attendees.

Note: In Live Meeting Web Access, the ability to save Shared Notes is not available, but presenters and attendees can save Shared Notes by copying and pasting them into a text editing application, such as Notepad.

To view or edit Shared Notes

  1. In the upper toolbar, click the Shared Notes button.

  2. In the Shared Notes window, view or edit the notes.

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