Friday, September 11, 2020

Data selector wizard filter rows

You can use the Filter Rows page to determine which rows of data are imported. If your data set is within the recommended size, it is fastest to close this dialog without filtering the data.

Note: Your data set is above the recommended size if it meets any of the following criteria:

  • The number of rows exceeds 1000

  • The number of columns exceeds 100

  • The number of rows multiplied by the number of columns exceeds 20,000

Filter rows

  • To filter out the rows that you don't want to import, click the arrow beside the column heading that you want to filter by. Next, select from the list the value that you do want to import.

    For example, if your data source has a column named YearHired, and you are interested only in data for employees hired during the current year, click the arrow beside the YearHired column heading to open the list of values, and then select the current year. The list is reduced to those rows with the current year in the YearHired column.

  • To choose multiple criteria, such as data on employees hired within the last two years, click the arrow next to any column heading, and then select (Custom...) to open the Filter and Sort dialog box.

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