Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Create a link or a code for joining a team

Create a link

If you're a team owner, go to the team name and click More options More options button > Get link to team. Click Copy and send the link to the person you want to invite to your team.

That person can simply paste the link into any browser to join the team.

Note: Currently, guests can't join a team via a link or code.

Create a code

When you send someone a code for joining a team, they can join directly—you won't get a join request. You can use the code as many times as you want.

If you're a team owner, go to the team name and click More options More options button > Manage team. Select the Settings tab > Team code > Generate. Click Copy. Share the code with your invitees however you choose—send the code to a single person via chat or write it on a white board for a whole room full of people.

People can use the code on the Suggested teams screen.

Note: Currently, guests can't join a team via a link or code.

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