Monday, June 4, 2018

View the author and revision date of notes in OneNote for Mac

View the author and revision date of notes in OneNote for Mac

In OneNote, you can choose to look up so-called metadata about your notes — hidden details that can tell you when certain notes or inserted objects on a page were added or last modified, and by whom. In a shared notebook, this is useful if you want to contact another author about the notes that they've added or changed.

To display the author and revision date metadata about any part of your notes, do the following:

  1. On any page, move the mouse pointer over a paragraph of typed text, or over an inserted object, such as a picture.

    In the left margin next to the note or object, a paragraph gripper appears. (Typically, clicking this control lets you select an entire paragraph of notes for formatting, while dragging it will move the paragraph from one location to another.)

  2. Slowly move the mouse pointer on top of the paragraph gripper. When the mouse pointer changes to a four-headed arrow, Control-click it.

    At the bottom of the menu that appears, OneNote displays the author's name, followed by the date and time when the notes or objects in the selected paragraph were added or last modified.

Note: The metadata for a particular paragraph of text or for an inserted object typically applies only to that part of your notes, not necessarily to everything else on the entire page (unless all of the notes on that page were pasted there all at once). To look up metadata for any other part of your notes on the current page, move the mouse pointer over the corresponding paragraph and then Control-click the paragraph gripper that appears in its left margin.

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