Thursday, February 16, 2017

List of field codes in Word

List of field codes in Word

Fields in Word are used as placeholders for data that might change in a document and for creating form letters and labels in mail merge documents.

Word inserts fields automatically when you use particular commands, such as when you insert a page number, when you insert a document building block such as a cover page, or when you create a table of contents. You can also manually insert fields to automate aspects of your document, such as merging data from a data source or performing calculations.

In current and recent versions of Word there's little need to insert fields manually, because built-in commands and content controls provide most of the capabilities that fields provided for earlier versions. You are more likely to encounter fields in documents that were created in an earlier version of Word.

Security Note: Because field codes can be visible to anyone reading your document, be sure that the information you place in field codes is not information that you want kept private.

In this article

Field code syntax

List of field codes

Field code syntax

Field codes appear between curly braces ( { } ). Fields behave like formulas in Microsoft Excel — the field code is like the formula, and the field result is like the value that the formula produces. You can switch between displaying field codes and results in your document by pressing ALT+F9.

When you view a field code in your document, the syntax looks like this:

{ FIELD NAME Instructions Optional switches }

  • FIELD NAME     This is the name that appears in the list of field names in the Field dialog box.

  • Instructions     These are any instructions or variables that are used in a particular field. Not all fields have parameters, and in some fields, parameters are optional instead of required.

  • Optional switches    These are any optional settings that are available for a particular field. Not all fields have switches available, other than those that govern the formatting of the field results.

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List of field codes


AddressBlock field

Advance field

Ask field

Author field

AutoNum field

AutoNumLgl field

AutoNumOut field

AutoText field

AutoTextList field


Bibliography field


Citation field

Comments field

Compare field

CreateDate field


Database field

Date field

DocProperty field

DocVariable field


Embed field


FileName field

FileSize field

Fill-In field

= (Formula) field


GoToButton field

GreetingLine field


Hyperlink field


If field

IncludePicture field

IncludeText field

Index field

Info field


Keywords field


LastSavedBy field

Link field

ListNum field


MacroButton field

MergeField field

MergeRec field

MergeSeq field


Next field

NextIf field

NoteRef field

NumChars field

NumPages field

NumWords field


Page field

PageRef field

Print field

PrintDate field

Private field


Quote field


RD (Referenced Document) field

Ref field

RevNum field


SaveDate field

Section field

SectionPages field

Seq (Sequence) field

Set field

SkipIf field

StyleRef field

Subject field

Symbol field


TA (Table of Authorities Entry) field

TC (Table of Contents Entry) field

Template field

Time field

Title field

TOA (Table of Authorities) field

TOC (Table of Contents) field


UserAddress field

UserInitials field

UserName field


XE (Index Entry) field

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