Sunday, February 12, 2017

Configure permissions for a blog

Configure permissions for a blog

Configuring permissions and other settings for a blog is similar to configuring other types of sites. When you configure permissions for your blog, you can also configure permissions for posts, comments, lists, and libraries associated with your blog.

In this article


Add users or groups to a blog

Configure permissions for a list or library

Specify whether or not content approval is required

Specify who can view drafts

Specify which items people can read and edit


How you configure your blog depends on the needs of your organization, and the expected size and scope of your blog audience. For example, you may want to enable only members of your department to create blog posts, while enabling several departments or your whole organization to post comments.

If you have permission to manage site settings, such as permissions and groups, you can set up groups and configure permission levels for your blog. To manage site-level permissions, your blog must have unique permissions. If you chose to inherit permissions from the parent site when you created your blog, your site does not have unique permissions and you need to edit permissions of the parent site or stop inheriting permissions.

You may want to configure different permissions for different parts of your blog, which you can do by editing the permissions of the lists and libraries on your blog directly. For example, you may want to enable everyone in your organization to read your blog posts and comments, but only enable people in your department to comment on the posts.

You can also consider enabling Read access to authenticated users. Read access enables people on your intranet to browse your blog and read the posts and blogs, regardless of their permissions on the site. They do not need to belong to a specific group, in order to access your blog. You can also consider giving authenticated users specific permission to add comments to posts in your blog, but not to create posts or add links to other blogs.

In addition to editing permissions, you can also configure other settings for the lists and libraries on your blog that affect how people create, edit, and view content. For example, the Posts list is set up by default to require content approval before a post can be published, but you can turn off content approval and allow users to publish content to your blog without reviewing it first. You can also specify which groups of users see items that are not approved.

You can configure the following settings for your blog:

  • Site-level permissions    You can set up groups and assign permission levels to them, such as the members of your department. If you chose to inherit permissions when you created your blog, you need to stop inheriting permissions before you can edit them.

  • Approval for lists and libraries    You can specify which lists and libraries require approval. In a list or library that requires approval, a new item or file  — as well as an item or file that is changed  — remains in a pending state until it is approved or rejected by someone who has permission to approve it. If the item or file is approved, it is assigned an Approved status in the list or library, and it is displayed to anyone with permission to view the list or library. If the item or file is rejected, it is returned to its creator.

  • Specify who can draft items    You can control which groups of people can read drafts of list items and files. Drafts are list items or files that are not yet approved. When content approval is required, you can specify whether files that are pending approval can be viewed by people with permission to read, people with permission to edit, or only the author and people with permission to approve items.

  • Specify which items people can read and edit    You can specify whether people can read or edit all list items, or just their own. Users with the permission to manage lists can read and edit all items.

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Add users or groups to a blog

  1. On the Site Actions menu Button image , click Site Settings.

    On a site for which the Site Actions menu is customized, point to Site Settings, and then click the settings that you want to view.

  1. Under Users and Permissions, click Advanced permissions.

    If check boxes do not appear next to the user and group names on the Permissions page, permissions are being inherited from a parent securable object, such as the parent site. In this case, users and SharePoint groups that you add are also added to the parent site. To stop inheriting permissions, click Actions Menu image , and then click Edit Permissions.

  2. On the New menu, click Add Users.

  3. In the Add Users section, specify the users and SharePoint groups that you want to add to this site

  4. In the Give Permission section, do one of the following:

    • To add the users to an existing SharePoint group, click Add users to a SharePoint group, and then in the list click the group that you want to add them to.

      Note: You cannot add a SharePoint group to another SharePoint group.

    • To give the users specific permissions to the site, click Give users permission directly, and then select the check boxes for the permissions that you want to give to the users.

  5. To send an e-mail message welcoming the new users to your blog, select the options that you want in the Send E-mail section.

    • On the Permissions page, you can also enable or disable requests to join the site.

    • If permissions are being inherited from the parent site, you cannot add users or SharePoint groups directly to this blog. Rather, you can only add users to an existing SharePoint group.

To give authenticated users on your intranet access to your site, even if they haven't specifically been added, in the Add Users section of the Add Users page for your site, type Authenticated Users in the User/Groups box. In the Give Permission section, select the Read - Can view only check box.

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Configure permissions for a list or library

  1. In your blog, under Admin Links, do one of the following:

    • To customize the Posts list, click Manage posts.

    • To customize the Comments list, click Manage comments.

    • To customize the Categories list, click All content, and then under Lists, click Categories.

    • To customize the Other Blogs list, click All content, and then under Lists, click Other Blogs.

    • To customize any other list or library in the blog  — such as the Links list, click All content, and then click the list or library that you want to change.

  2. On the Settings menu settings menu , click List Settings, or click the settings for the type of library that you are opening, such as Picture Library Settings.

  3. On the Customize page, in the Permissions and Management column, click Permissions for this list or Permissions for this type of library.

    The Permissions page displays all of the users and SharePoint groups that are associated with this list or library, and their assigned permission levels.

    Note: If check boxes do not appear next to the user and group names on the Permissions page, permissions are being inherited from a parent securable object, such as the parent site. In this case, users and SharePoint groups that you add to the list or library are also added to the parent site (which the list or library inherits those permissions from). If unique permissions are being used (not inheriting from the parent site), then the users and SharePoint groups that you add only affect this list or library.

    Create unique permissions for the list or library

    1. On the Actions menu Menu image , click Edit Permissions.

    2. When asked whether you want to create unique permissions, click OK.

  4. Click the New menu menu image .

  5. In the Users/Groups box, in the Add Users section, type the users and SharePoint groups that you want to add to this list or library.

  6. In the Give Permission section, do one of the following:

    1. To add the users to an existing SharePoint group, click Add users to a SharePoint group, and then in the list click the group that you want to add them to.

    2. To give the users specific permissions to the site, click Give users permission directly, and then select the check boxes for the permissions that you want to give to the users.

    3. To send an e-mail message welcoming the new users to your list or library, select the options that you want in the Send E-mail section.


      1. If permissions are being inherited from the parent, such as the parent site, you cannot add users or SharePoint groups directly to this securable object. Rather, you can only add users to an existing SharePoint group.

      2. You cannot add a SharePoint group to another SharePoint group.

To enable all authenticated users, who have access to browse your site, to add comments to your blog, in the Add Users section of the Add Users page for the Comments list, type Authenticated Users in the User/Groups box. In the Give Permission section, select the Contribute - Can view, add, update, delete, approve, and customize check box.

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Specify whether or not content approval is required

By default, content approval is set up for the Posts list, but you can change this setting or require approval for other lists.

Content approval is not available for picture libraries, such as the default Photos library, but you can specify approval settings for any other type of library that you add to your site, such as a document library.

  1. In a blog, under Admin Links, do one of the following:

    • To customize the Posts list, click Manage posts.

    • To customize the Comments list, click Manage comments.

    • To customize the Categories list, click All content, and then under Lists, click Categories.

    • To customize the Other Blogs list, click All content, and then under Lists, click Other Blogs.

    • To customize any other list or library in the blog  — such as the Links list, click All content, and then click the list or library that you want to change.

  2. On the Settings menu settings menu , click List Settings.

  3. Under General Settings, click Versioning settings.

  4. In the Content Approval section, under Require content approval for submitted items, click Yes or No.

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Specify who can view drafts

By default, content approval is set up for the Posts list, and only users who can approve items, including the author of the item, can see drafts before they are published. You can change this setting for the Posts list, or any other list or library that requires approval. If a list or library does not require approval, this setting does not apply, and you cannot change it.

  1. In a blog, under Admin Links, do one of the following:

    • To customize the Posts list, click Manage posts.

    • To customize the Comments list, click Manage comments.

    • To customize the Categories list, click All content, and then under Lists, click Categories.

    • To customize the Other Blogs list, click All content, and then under Lists, click Other Blogs.

    • To customize any other lists or libraries in the blog  — such as the Links list, click All content, and then click the list or library that you want to change.

  2. On the Settings menu settings menu , click List Settings.

  3. Under General Settings, click Versioning settings.

  4. In the Draft Item Security section, under Who should see draft items in this list or under Who should see draft items in this document library, click the group of users whom you want to enable to view drafts.

    • The Only users who can approve items option is available only if your library requires content approval. Content approval is not available for picture libraries, such as the default Photos library, but you can specify approval settings for any other type of library that you add to your site, such as a document library.

    • Drafts are also created for minor versions of files in a library that tracks both major versions and minor versions of files, such as a document library. In a library that tracks both types of versions, you can also configure who can view drafts. The only default library in a blog is the Photos picture library, however, and picture libraries only track major versions of files.

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Specify which items people can read and edit

You can specify whether people with permission to read items can read all items or only the items that they create, and whether people with permission to edit items can edit all items, only their own items, or no items in a list.

Users with the permission to manage lists can read and edit all items.

  1. In a blog, under Admin Links, do one of the following:

    • To customize the Posts list, click Manage posts.

    • To customize the Comments list, click Manage comments.

    • To customize the Categories list, click All content, and then under Lists, click Categories.

    • To customize the Other Blogs list, click All content, and then under Lists, click Other Blogs.

    • To customize any other lists or libraries in the blog  — such as the Links list, click All Content, and then click the list or library that you want to change.

  2. Under General settings, click Advanced settings.

  3. In the Item-level Permissions section, do one or both of the following:

    • Under Read access, change any settings that you want.

    • Under Edit access, change any settings that you want.

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1 comment:

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