Sunday, December 11, 2016

View your profile by using privacy categories

View your profile by using privacy categories

By using privacy settings on your My Site profile page, you can manage which groups of people can view some details in your profile. This topic describes how to view your public profile page the way that people in each privacy category would view it.

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View your profile based on privacy categories


If you have applied privacy categories to details on your profile page, you can view your profile based on the different categories. This can help you check whether you are sharing the information that you intend to share with each group of people.

Important:  There are some details that cannot be controlled by privacy categories, and your organization may customize which details in your profile that you control. If the privacy drop-down list does not appear, you cannot change the setting.

For example, you might want to share your personal cell phone number with only your manager and not everyone in your organization that has access to your profile. To control this setting, you would apply the My Manager privacy category to the Personal Phone setting in your profile.

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You can double-check whether you have properly applied the category correctly by comparing the views of your profile based on different privacy categories. For example, you can view your profile as it would appear to your team, and then view your profile as it would appear to everyone.

The following is a description of the privacy categories:

  • Only Me     Yourself

  • My Manager    Your direct manager

  • My Team    Depending on your settings, this category could include people who report to your manager, your manager, and direct reports. You can also add other colleagues to your My Team group, such as people you work closely with or know well. If you plan to apply the privacy categories, you can use this category for people whom you want to share the most amount of information with.

  • My Colleagues    Your colleagues includes members of your team, plus other people whose activities you are following.

  • Everyone    All the people that your organization has granted permissions to view your profile.

View your profile based on privacy categories

  1. Do one of the following:

    • If you are already viewing someone's profile or a page on your My Site, click My Profile. My Profile

    • If you are viewing a different type of page on your SharePoint site, click your name in the upper right corner Profile Name , and then click My Profile.

  2. At the top of the page, next to View My Profile as seen by, choose the privacy category you want to apply.

  3. View your profile based on that category, and then repeat step 2 if you want to see your profile based on other privacy categories.

Note:  You can also apply privacy categories to your site memberships and your list of colleagues, but you can only change the view for your personal details.

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