Add a footnote
To provide more information about an item in your presentation, add a footnote to the bottom of a slide. While there's not a footnote feature in PowerPoint Online, here's a way that works:
On the Insert tab, tap or click Text Box.
Select the placeholder text in the text box, and then on your keyboard, press Shift + * to enter the asterisk symbol.
Point the cursor at the edge of the text box that contains the asterisk (*) until you see the four-headed arrow, and move it next to the item you want to provide more information about.
Once again, on the Insert tab, tap or click Text Box.
Select the sample text in the text box, press Shift + * to enter the asterisk symbol, and then enter the descriptive text next to the asterisk.
Point the cursor at the edge of this text box until you see the four-headed arrow, and move it to the bottom of the slide.
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