Friday, February 18, 2022

Proxy properties general

Use the General tab to configure the listening address for this Proxy Server.

Proxy Server Name

This is the display name for this Proxy Server. This value is specified when the server is created and cannot be modified.


This lists addresses, ports, and transports for inbound connections that this server can receive. To edit a connection, select it and then click Edit.


The IP address that is associated with this server. Other computers use this IP address to send messages to this server.


The port on which this server receives SIP signaling messages.


The transport that can be used to send messages to the IP address and port combination configured for this server.


Creates a new listening address, port, and transport combination for this server.


Redefines the selected listening address in the Connections list.


Removes the selected listening address in the Connections list.

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A listening address is a combination of the IP address, port, and transport on which a server can receive inbound connections. You can create multiple listening address combinations for the server, but each combination must be different.

For details, see the Operations section of the Office Communications Server Technical Library.

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