Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Video sort table contents

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When your table contains data that is best presented in alphabetical or numerical order, sort it.

Note: These instructions are for Word and Excel. The sort option is not available in PowerPoint.

Sort a table in Word

  1. Select anywhere in the table.

  2. Select Table Tools Layout > Sort.

  3. Choose your sort criteria:

    • Select the column you want to Sort by.

    • To sort on a second column, select Then by and select another column.

    • Select Ascending or Descending.

    • To keep the header row at the top of the table, select Header row.

  4. Select OK.

Sort a table in Excel

  1. Select a cell in the column you want to sort.

  2. Select Sort & Filter and how you'd like to order it: Sort A to Z, Sort Z to A, or Custom Sort.

    For a Custom Sort:

    • Choose your Sort by, Sort on, and Order sort criteria.

    • To set additional filters, select Add Level and choose your sort criteria.

      Important: The second level sort only takes effect if two or more values in the first column are the same.

    • Select OK.

Want more?

Sort the contents of a table

Sort data in a range or table

Word training

Excel training

PowerPoint training

Outlook training

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