Monday, July 19, 2021

Keyboard shortcuts for access

Many users find that keyboard shortcuts for Access desktop databases help them work more efficiently. For users with impaired mobility or vision, keyboard shortcuts are an essential alternative to using the mouse. This article itemizes the keyboard shortcuts for Access on Windows.


  • The shortcuts in this topic refer to the US keyboard layout. Keys for other layouts might not correspond exactly to the keys on a US keyboard.

  • If a shortcut requires pressing two or more keys at the same time, this topic separates the keys with a plus sign (+). If you have to press one key immediately after another, the keys are separated by a comma (,).

  • This topic assumes that JAWS users have the Virtual Ribbon Menu feature turned off.

In this topic

Frequently used shortcuts

This table itemizes the most frequently used shortcuts in Access desktop databases.

To do this


Select the active tab of the ribbon and activate KeyTips

Alt or F10
(to move to a different tab, use KeyTips or the arrow keys)

Open the Home tab


Open the Tell me box on the ribbon

Alt+Q, and then enter the search term

Display the shortcut menu for the selected item


Move the focus to a different pane of the window


Open an existing database

Ctrl+O or Ctrl+F12

Show or hide the Navigation Pane


Show or hide a property sheet


Switch between Edit mode (with insertion point displayed) and Navigation mode in the Datasheet or Design view


Switch to Form view from the form Design view


Move to the next or previous field in the Datasheet view

The Tab key or Shift+Tab

Go to a specific record in the Datasheet view

(then, in the record number box, type the record number and press Enter)

Open the Print dialog box from Print (for datasheets, forms, and reports)


Open the Page Setup dialog box (for forms and reports)


Zoom in or out on a part of the page


Open the Find tab in the Find and Replace dialog box in the Datasheet view or Form view


Open the Replace tab in the Find and Replace dialog box in the Datasheet view or Form view


Add a new record in Datasheet view or Form view

Ctrl+Plus Sign (+)

Open the Help window


Exit Access


Navigate the ribbon with only the keyboard

The ribbon is the strip at the top of Access, organized by tabs. Each tab displays a different ribbon, which is made up of groups, and each group includes one or more commands.

You can navigate the ribbon with just the keyboard. KeyTips are special key combinations you can use to quickly get to a command on the ribbon by pressing a few keys, regardless of where you are in Access. Every command in Access can be given by using a KeyTip.

Note: Add-ins and other programs might add new tabs to the ribbon and might provide KeyTips for those tabs.

There are two ways to navigate the tabs in the ribbon:

  • To get to the ribbon, press Alt, and then, to move between tabs, use the Right and Left arrow keys.

  • To go directly to a tab on the ribbon, press one of the following KeyTips:

To do this


Open the File page


Open the Home tab


Open the Create tab


Open the External Data tab

Alt+X or Alt+X,1

Open the Database Tools tab


Open the Fields tab

Alt+J, B

Open the Table tab

Alt+J, T

Open the Add-ins tab, if present

Alt+X, 2

Open the Tell me box on the ribbon

Alt+Q, and then enter the search term

Working in ribbon tabs with the keyboard

  • To move to the list of ribbon tabs, press Alt; to go directly to a tab, press its KeyTip.

  • To move in the group that's currently selected, press the Down Arrow key.

  • To move between groups on a ribbon, press Ctrl+Right Arrow or Ctrl+Left Arrow.

  • To move between commands within a group, press the Tab key or Shift+Tab. You move forward or backward through the commands in order.

  • You activate controls in different ways, depending upon the type of control:

    • If the selected command is a button, to activate it, press Spacebar or Enter.

    • If the selected command is a split button (that is, a button that opens a menu of additional options), to activate it, press Alt+Down Arrow. Tab through the options. To select the current option, press Spacebar or Enter.

    • If the selected command is a list (such as the Font list), to open the list, press the Down Arrow key. Then, to move between items, press the Up Arrow key or the Down Arrow key.

    • If the selected command is a gallery, to select the command, press Spacebar or Enter. Then, tab through the items.

Tip: In galleries with more than one row of items, the Tab key moves the focus from the beginning to the end of the current row. When you reach the end of a row, the focus moves to the beginning of the next row. Pressing the Right Arrow key at the end of the current row moves the focus back to the beginning of the current row.

The following table lists ways to move the focus by using the keyboard:

To do this


Select the active tab of the ribbon and activate KeyTips

Alt or F10
(to move to a different tab, use KeyTips or the arrow keys)

Move the focus to commands on the ribbon

The Tab key or Shift+Tab

Move down, up, left, or right, respectively, among the items on the ribbon

The Down, Up, Left, or Right arrow key

Expand or collapse the ribbon


Display the shortcut menu for the selected item


Move the focus to a different pane of the window


Move to the next or previous command on the ribbon

The Tab key or Shift+Tab

Activate the selected command or control on the ribbon

Spacebar or Enter

Open the selected menu or gallery on the ribbon

Spacebar or Enter

Open the selected list on the ribbon, such as the Font list

The Down arrow key

Move between items in an open menu or gallery

The Tab key

Finish modifying a value in a control on the ribbon, and move the focus back to the document


Use KeyTips

You can display KeyTips, which are the letters used to give commands with the keyboard, and then use them to navigate in the ribbon.

  1. Press Alt. KeyTips appear in small squares by each ribbon command.

  2. To select a command, press the letter shown in the square KeyTip that appears by it.

Depending on which letter you press, you may be shown additional KeyTips. For example, if you press Alt+F, Backstage view opens on the Info page, which has a different set of KeyTips. If you then press Alt again, KeyTips appear for navigating on the current page.

Work with database files

Open and save databases

To do this


Open a new database


Open an existing database

Ctrl+O or Ctrl+F12

Open the selected folder or file


Open the folder one level above the selected folder


Delete the selected folder or file


Display a shortcut menu for a selected item such as a folder or file


Move forward through options


Move backward through options


Open the Look in list

F4 or Alt+I

Save a database object

Ctrl+S or Shift+F12

Open the Save As dialog box

F12 or Alt+F+S

Print database information

To do this


Print the current or selected object


From Print Preview, open the Print dialog box

P or Ctrl+P

From Print Preview, open the Page Setup dialog box


Cancel Print Preview or Layout Preview

C or Esc

From the Backstage, return to your database


Navigate in the Access workspace

By default, Access databases display as tabbed documents. To switch to windowed documents instead, on the File tab, select Options. In the Access Options dialog box, select Current Database and, under Document Window Options, select Overlapping Windows.

Note: You need to close and reopen the current database for the option to take effect.

To do this


Show or hide the Navigation Pane


Go to Search box in the Navigation Pane (if the focus is already on the Navigation Pane)


Switch to the next or previous pane in the workspace

Note: You might need to press F6 more than once; if pressing F6 doesn't display the task pane you want, press Alt to move the focus on the ribbon and then press Ctrl+Tab to move to the task pane.

F6 or Shift+F6

Switch to the next or previous database window

Ctrl+F6 or Ctrl+Shift+F6

Restore the selected minimized window when all windows are minimized


Turn on Resize mode for the active window when it is not maximized

(press the arrow keys to resize the window, and then, to apply the new size, press Enter)

Close the active database window

Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4

Switch between the Visual Basic Editor and the previous active window


Maximize or restore a selected window.


Work with menus, dialog boxes, wizards, and property sheets

Use menus

To do this


Show KeyTips

Alt or F10

Show the program icon menu (on the program title bar), also known as the control menu


With the menu or submenu visible, select the next or previous command

The Down or Up arrow key

Select the menu to the left or right; or, when a submenu is visible, switch between the main menu and the submenu

The Left or Right arrow key

Select the first or last command on the menu or submenu

Home or End

Open the selected menu, or perform the action assigned to the selected button

Spacebar or Enter

Open a shortcut menu or open a drop-down menu for the selected gallery item


Scroll up or down in the selected gallery list

Page Up or Page Down

Move to the top or bottom of the selected gallery list

Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+End

Close the visible menu and submenu at the same time


Close the visible menu; or, with a submenu visible, close only the submenu


Use dialog boxes

To do this


Switch to the next or previous tab in a dialog box

Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Shift+Tab

Switch to the previous tab in a dialog box


Move to the next or previous option or option group

The Tab key or Shift+Tab

Move between options in the selected drop-down list box, or move between options in a group of options

Arrow keys

Perform the action assigned to the selected button; select or clear the check box


Open the list if it is closed and move to an option in the list

First letter of an option in a drop-down list

Select the option, or select or clear the check box by the letter underlined in the option name

Alt+letter key

Open the selected drop-down list box

Alt+Down arrow

Close the selected drop-down list box


Perform the action assigned to the default button in the dialog box


Cancel the command and close the dialog box


Use wizards

To do this


Toggle the focus forward between controls in the wizard

The Tab key

Toggle the focus between sections (header, body, footer) of the wizard


Move to the next page of the wizard


Move to the previous page of the wizard


Complete the wizard


Use property sheets

These keyboard shortcuts apply to property sheets for tables, queries, forms, and reports in Design view and forms and reports in Layout view.

To do this


Show or hide the property sheet


Display a property sheet in Design view


Move among choices in the control selection drop-down list one item at a time

The Down or Up arrow key

Move among choices in the control selection drop-down list one page at a time

Page Down or Page Up

Move to the property sheet tabs from the control selection drop-down list

The Tab key

Move among the property sheet tabs with a tab selected, but no property selected

The Left or Right arrow key

With a property already selected, move down one property on a tab

The Tab key

With a property selected, move up one property on a tab; or if already at the top, move to the tab


Toggle forward between tabs when a property is selected


Toggle backward between tabs when a property is selected


Work with text boxes, combo boxes, and list boxes

Edit in a text box

An edit box is a blank in which you type or paste an entry, such as your user name or the path of a folder.

To do this


Move to the beginning of the entry


Move to the end of the entry


Move one character to the left or right

The Left or Right arrow key

Move one word to the left or right

Ctrl+Left arrow or Ctrl+Right arrow

Select from the insertion point to the beginning of the text entry


Select from the insertion point to the end of the text entry


Change the selection by one character to the left

Shift+Left arrow

Change the selection by one character to the right

Shift+Right arrow

Change the selection by one word to the left

Ctrl+Shift+Left arrow

Change the selection by one word to the right

Ctrl+Shift+Right arrow

Use a combo or list box

A list box displays a range of unchangeable values or choices, which are automatically listed. A combo box also displays values or choices, but it does not display them until you click a drop-down arrow. With a combo box, sometimes you can enter a value that's not on the list, as you can with a text box.

To do this


Open a combo box

F4 or Alt+Down arrow

Refresh the contents of the Lookup field list box or a combo box


Move down one line

The Down arrow key

Move down one page

Page Down

Move up one line

The Up arrow key

Move up one page

Page Up

Exit the combo box or list box

The Tab key

Open the Edit List Items dialog box

Note: In order to use the Ctrl+E keyboard shortcut for opening the Edit List Items dialog box, you must have a Microsoft 365 subscription


Work with objects

Edit and navigate the Object list

To do this


Rename a selected object

Note: You can only rename an object when it is closed.


Move down one line

The Down arrow key

Move down one window

Page Down

Move to the last object


Move up one line

The Up arrow key

Move up one window

Page Up

Navigate and open objects

To do this


Open the selected table or query in Datasheet view


Open the selected form or report


Run the selected macro


Open the selected table, query, form, report, macro, or module in the Design view


Display the Immediate window in the Visual Basic Editor


Work in a Design, Layout, or Datasheet view

To do this


Switch between Edit mode (with insertion point displayed) and Navigation mode in a datasheet


Exit Navigation mode and return to Edit mode in a form or report


Switch to the property sheet (in the Design view and Layout view in forms and reports)

F4 or Alt+Enter

Switch to the Form view from the form Design view


Switch between the upper and lower portions of a window (in the Design view of queries, macros, and the Advanced Filter/Sort window)


Cycle through the field grid, property sheet, field properties, the Navigation Pane, Quick Access Toolbar, and KeyTips on the ribbon (in the Design view of tables)


Open the Choose Builder dialog box from a selected control on a form or report (in the Design view only)


Open the Visual Basic Editor from a selected property in the property sheet for a form or report


Switch from the Visual Basic Editor back to the form or report Design view


Toggle forward between views when in a table, query, form, or report

Note: If additional views are available, successive keystrokes move the focus to the next available view.

Ctrl+Right arrow or Ctrl+Comma (,)

Toggle backward between views when in a table, query, form, or report

Note: If additional views are available, successive keystrokes move the focus to the previous view.

Ctrl+Left arrow or Ctrl+Period (.)

Note: This shortcut does not work under all conditions with all objects.

Work in a Datasheet view

Use a Datasheet view when you work with tables and queries.

Navigate between fields and records

These keyboard shortcuts work in Navigation mode in a Datasheet view.

To do this


Move to the next field

The Tab key or the Right arrow key

Move to the last field in the current record


Move to the previous field

Shift+Tab or the Left arrow key

Move to the first field in the current record


Move to the current field in the next record

The Down arrow key

Move to the current field in the last record

Ctrl+Down arrow key

Move to the last field in the last record


Move to the current field in the previous record

The Up arrow key

Move to the current field in the first record

Ctrl+Up arrow

Move to the first field in the first record


Go to a specific record

(then, in the record number box, type the record number and press Enter)

Navigate to another screen of data

To do this


Move up one screen

Page Down

Move down one screen

Page Up

Move right one screen

Ctrl+Page Down

Move left one screen

Move right one screen

Select and move a column

To do this


Select the current column or cancel the column selection, in Navigation mode only


Extend the selection one column to the right, if the current column is selected

Shift+Right arrow key

Extend the selection one column to the left, if the current column is selected

Shift+Left arrow key

Turn on Move mode

(then press the Right or Left arrow key to move the selected column(s) to the right or left)

Work with subdatasheets

To do this


Enter the subdatasheet from the last field of the previous record in the datasheet

The Tab key

Enter the subdatasheet from the first field of the following record in the datasheet


Exit the subdatasheet and move to the first field of the next record in the datasheet


Exit the subdatasheet and move to the last field of the previous record in the datasheet


From the last field in the subdatasheet enter the next field in the datasheet

The Tab key

From the datasheet, bypass the subdatasheet and move to the next record in the datasheet

The Down arrow key

From the datasheet, bypass the subdatasheet and move to the previous record in the datasheet

The Up arrow key

Go to a specific record in a subdatasheet

Note: This moves the focus from the subdatasheet to the record number box.

(then, in the record number box, type the record number and press Enter)

Move from the datasheet to the record's subdatasheet

Ctrl+Shift+Down arrow key

Collapse the subdatasheet

Ctrl+Shift+Up arrow key

Note: To navigate between fields and records in a subdatasheet, use the same keyboard shortcuts you use in Datasheet view.

Work in a Design view

You work in a Design view when you design tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.

Navigate in a Design view

To do this


Switch between Edit mode (with insertion point displayed) and Navigation mode


Open or close the property sheet

F4 or Alt+Enter

Switch to Form view from form Design view


Switch between the upper and lower portions of a window (in the Design view of queries, macros, and the Advanced Filter/Sort window)

Note: Use F6 when the Tab key does not take you to the section of the screen you want.


Toggle forward between the design pane, properties, Navigation Pane, ribbon, and Zoom controls (in the Design view of tables, forms, and reports)


Open the Visual Basic Editor from a selected property in the property sheet for a form or report


Show or hide the Field List pane


When you have a code module open, switch from the Visual Basic Editor to the form or report Design view


Switch from a control's property sheet in form or report Design view to the design surface without changing the control focus


Copy the selected control to the Clipboard


Cut the selected control and copy it to the Clipboard


Paste the contents of the Clipboard in the upper-left corner of the selected section


Move the selected control to the right by a pixel along the page's grid

The Right arrow key

Move the selected control to the left by a pixel along the page's grid

The Left arrow key

Move the selected control up by a pixel along the page's grid

Note: For controls in a stacked layout, this switches the position of the selected control with the control directly above it, unless it is already the uppermost control in the layout.

The Up arrow key

Move the selected control down by a pixel along the page's grid

Note: For controls in a stacked layout, this switches the position of the selected control with the control directly below it, unless it is already the lowermost control in the layout.

The Down arrow key

Move the selected control to the right by a pixel (irrespective of the page's grid)

Ctrl+Right arrow key

Move the selected control to the left by a pixel (irrespective of the page's grid)

Ctrl+Left arrow key

Move the selected control up by a pixel (irrespective of the page's grid)

Note: For controls in a stacked layout, this switches the position of the selected control with the control directly above it, unless it is already the uppermost control in the layout.

Ctrl+Up arrow key

Move the selected control down by a pixel (irrespective of the page's grid)

Note: For controls in a stacked layout, this switches the position of the selected control with the control directly below it, unless it is already the lowermost control in the layout.

Ctrl+Down arrow key

Increase the width of the selected control (to the right) by a pixel

Note: For controls in a stacked layout, this increases the width of the whole layout.

Shift+Right arrow key

Decrease the width of the selected control (to the left) by a pixel

Note: For controls in a stacked layout, this decreases the width of the whole layout.

Shift+Left arrow key

Decrease the height of the selected control (from the bottom) by a pixel

Shift+Up arrow key

Increase the height of the selected control (from the bottom) by a pixel

Shift+Down arrow key

Edit using controls in the form and report Design view

To do this


Copy the selected control to the Clipboard


Cut the selected control and copy it to the Clipboard


Paste the contents of the Clipboard in the upper-left corner of the selected section


Move the selected control to the right (except a control that is part of a layout)

The Right arrow key or Ctrl+Right arrow key to move in smaller increments

Move the selected control to the left (except a control that is part of a layout)

The Left arrow key or Ctrl+Left arrow key to move in smaller increments

Move the selected control up (except a control that is part of a layout)

The Up arrow key or Ctrl+Up arrow key to move in smaller increments

Move the selected control down (except a control that is part of a layout)

The Down arrow key or Ctrl+Down arrow key to move in smaller increments

Increase the height of the selected control

Note: If used with a control that is in a layout, the entire row of the layout is resized.

Shift+Down arrow key

Increase the width of the selected control

Note: If used with a control that is in a layout, the entire column of the layout is resized.

Shift+Right arrow key

Reduce the height of the selected control

Note: If used with a control that is in a layout, the entire row of the layout is resized.

Shift+Up arrow key

Reduce the width of the selected control

Note: If used with a control that is in a layout, the entire column of the layout is resized.

Shift+Left arrow key

Navigate in a Form view

You work in a Form view when entering data in a form.

Navigate between fields and records

These keyboard shortcuts work in Navigation mode in a Form view.

To do this


Move to the next field

The Tab key

Move to the previous field


Move to the last control on the form and remain in the current record


Move to the last control on the form and set focus in the last record


Move to the first control on the form and remain in the current record


Move to the first control on the form and set focus in the first record


Move to the current field in the next record

Ctrl+Page Down

Move to the current field in the previous record

Ctrl+Page Up

Go to a specific record

(then, in the record number box, type the record number and press Enter)

Navigate in forms with more than one page

To do this


Move down one page; at the end of the record, moves to the equivalent page on the next record

Page Down

Move up one page; at the end of the record, moves to the equivalent page on the previous record

Page Up

Navigate between a main form and a subform

To do this


Enter the subform from the preceding field in the main form

The Tab key

Enter the subform from the following field in the main form


Exit the subform and move to the next field in the master form or next record


Exit the subform and move to the previous field in the main form or previous record


Navigate in Print Preview and Layout Preview

To do this


Open the Print dialog box from Print (for datasheets, forms, and reports)


Open the Page Setup dialog box (for forms and reports)


Zoom in or out on a part of the page


Cancel Print Preview or Layout Preview

C or Esc

Scroll down in small increments

The Down arrow key

Scroll down one full screen

Page Down

Move to the bottom of the page

Ctrl+Down arrow key

Scroll up in small increments

The Up arrow key

Scroll up one full screen

Page Up

Move to the top of the page

Ctrl+Up arrow key

Scroll to the right in small increments

The Right Arrow key

Move to the right edge of the page


Move to the lower-right corner of the page


Scroll to the left in small increments

The Left arrow key

Move to the left edge of the page


Move to the upper-left corner of the page


Move to the page number box

(then, type the page number and press Enter)

Work with panes

Use a diagram pane

To do this


Move among tables, views, and functions (and join lines, if available)

The Tab key or Shift+Tab

Move between columns in a table, view, or function

The arrow keys

Choose the selected data column for output

Spacebar or Plus Sign (+)

Remove the selected data column from the query output

Spacebar or Minus Sign (-)

Remove the selected table, view, or function, or join line from the query


Note: If multiple items are selected, pressing Spacebar affects all selected items. Select multiple items by holding down Shift while selecting them. Toggle the selected state of a single item by holding down Ctrl while selecting it.

Use a grid pane

To do this


Move among cells

The arrow keys, the Tab key, or Shift+Tab

Move to the last row in the current column

Ctrl+Down arrow key

Move to the first row in the current column

Ctrl+Up arrow key

Move to the upper-left cell in the visible portion of grid


Move to the bottom right cell


Move in a drop-down list

The Up or Down arrow key

Select an entire grid column


Toggle between Edit mode and cell selection mode


Copy selected text in cell to the Clipboard (in Edit mode)


Cut selected text in cell and place it on the Clipboard (in Edit mode)


Paste text from the Clipboard (in Edit mode)


Toggle between insert and overtype mode while editing in a cell

The Insert key

Toggle the check box in the Output column

Note: If multiple items are selected, pressing this key affects all selected items.


Clear the selected contents of a cell


Clear all values for a selected grid column


Use an SQL pane

You can use the standard Windows editing keys when working in the SQL pane. For example, you can use Ctrl+ Arrow keys to move between words, and the Cut, Copy, and Paste commands on the Home tab work as they normally do. You can only insert text; there is no overtype mode.

Note    In SQL view, CTRL+A (used to select all text) is only supported in Microsoft 365, Access 2016 Click-to-Run, and Access 2019. As an alternative, press F2.

Use the Field List pane with a form or report in Design view or Layout view

To do this


Show or hide the Field List pane


Add the selected field to the form or report detail section


Move up or down the Field List pane

The Up arrow key or the Down arrow key

Move between the upper and lower panes of the Field List

The Tab key

Select text or data

Select a field or record

Note: To cancel a selection, use the opposite arrow key.

To do this


Select the next field

The Tab key

Switch between Edit mode (with insertion point displayed) and Navigation mode in a datasheet


Exit Navigation mode in a form or report


Switch between selecting the current record and the first field of the current record, in Navigation mode


Extend the selection to the previous record, if the current record is selected

Shift+Up arrow

Select all records


Select text in a field

To do this


Change the size of the selection by one character to the right

Shift+Right arrow key

Change the size of the selection by one word to the right

Ctrl+Shift+Right arrow key

Change the size of the selection by one character to the left

Shift+Left arrow key

Change the size of the selection by one word to the left

Ctrl+Shift+Left arrow key

Extend a selection

To do this


Turn on Extend mode

Note: In Datasheet view, Extended Selection appears in the lower-right corner of the window

(repeatedly pressing F8 extends the selection to the word, the field, the record, and all records)

Extend a selection to adjacent fields in the same row in Datasheet view

The Left or Right arrow key

Extend a selection to adjacent rows in Datasheet view

The Up or Down arrow key

Undo the previous extension


Cancel Extend mode


Find and replace text or data

To do this


Open the Find tab in the Find and Replace dialog box (in the Datasheet view and Form view only)


Open the Replace tab in the Find and Replace dialog box (in the Datasheet view and Form view only)


Find the next occurrence of the text specified in the Find and Replace dialog box when the dialog box is closed (in the Datasheet view and Form view only)


Edit text or data

Move the insertion point in a field

Note: If the insertion point is not visible, press F2 to display it.

To do this


Move the insertion point one character to the right

The Right arrow key

Move the insertion point one word to the right

Ctrl+Right arrow

Move the insertion point one character to the left

The Left arrow key

Move the insertion point one word to the left

Ctrl+Left arrow key

Move the insertion point to the end of the field, in single-line fields; or move it to the end of the line in multi-line fields


Move the insertion point to the end of the field, in multi-line fields


Move the insertion point to the beginning of the field, in single-line fields; or move it to the beginning of the line in multi-line fields


Move the insertion point to the beginning of the field, in multi-line fields


Copy, move, or delete text

To do this


Copy the selection to the Clipboard


Cut the selection and copy it to the Clipboard


Paste the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion point


Delete the selection or the character to the left of the insertion point


Delete the selection or the character to the right of the insertion point


Delete all characters to the right of the insertion point


Undo changes

To do this


Undo typing

Ctrl+Z or Alt+Backspace

Undo changes in the current field or current record

(if both the current field and current record have been changed, press Esc twice to undo changes, first in the current field and then in the current record)

Enter data in a Datasheet or Form view

To do this


Insert the current date

Ctrl+Semicolon (;)

Insert the current time

Ctrl+Shift+Colon (:)

Insert the default value for a field


Insert the value from the same field in the previous record

Ctrl+Apostrophe (')

Add a new record

Ctrl+Plus Sign (+)

In a datasheet, delete the current record

Ctrl+Minus Sign (-)

Save changes to the current record


Switch between the values in a check box or option button


Insert a new line in a Short Text or Long Text field


Refresh fields with current data

To do this


Recalculate the fields in the window


Requery the underlying tables; in a subform, this requeries the underlying table only for the subform


Refresh the contents of a Lookup field list box or combo box


Navigate in tables and cells

Work and move around in tables

To do this


Move to the next cell

The Tab key

Move to the preceding cell


Move to the next row

The Down arrow key

Move to the preceding row

The Up arrow key

Insert a tab in a cell


Start a new paragraph


Add a new row at the bottom of the table

The Tab key at the end of the last row

Move around in tables or cells

To do this


Move one character to the left

The Left arrow key

Move one character to the right

The Right arrow key

Move up one line

The Up arrow key

Move down one line

The Down arrow key

Move one word to the left

Ctrl+Left arrow key

Move one word to the right

Ctrl+Right arrow key

Move to the end of a line


Move to the beginning of a line


Move up one paragraph

Ctrl+Up arrow key

Move down one paragraph

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Get help with Access

The Help window provides makes all Access Help content available.

To do this


Open the Help window


Go back to Access Help Home


Select the next item in the Help window

The Tab key

Select the previous item in the Help window


Perform the action for the selected item


In the AccessHelp topics list, expand or collapse the selected item


Select the next hidden text or hyperlink, including Show All or Hide All at the top of a topic

The Tab key

Select the previous hidden text or hyperlink


Perform the action for the selected Show All, Hide All, hidden text, or hyperlink


Move back to the previous Help topic (Back button)

Alt+Left arrow key or Backspace

Move forward to the next Help topic (Forward button)

Alt+Right arrow key

Scroll small amounts up or down within the currently displayed Help topic

The Up or Down arrow key

Scroll larger amounts up or down, respectively, within the currently displayed Help topic

Page Up or Page Down

Stop the last action (Stop button)


Refresh the window (Refresh button)


Print the current Help topic

(if the cursor is not in the current Help topic, press F6, and then press Ctrl+P)

Change the connection state

F6, and then press Enter to open the list of choices

Switch among areas in the Help window, such as the toolbar and the Search list


In a Table of Contents in tree view, select the next or previous item, respectively

The Up or Down arrow key

In a Table of Contents in tree view, expand or collapse the selected item


Miscellaneous keyboard shortcuts

To do this


Display the complete hyperlink address (URL) for a selected hyperlink


Check spelling


Open the Zoom box to conveniently enter expressions and other text in small input areas


Invoke a Builder


Copy a screenshot of the entire screen to the Clipboard

Print Screen

Copy a screenshot of the current window to the Clipboard

Alt+Print Screen

Display the full set of commands on the task pane menu

Ctrl+Down arrow key

Exit Access


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