Friday, March 9, 2018

Import Outlook Tasks dialog box

Import Outlook Tasks dialog box

Use the Import Outlook Tasks dialog box to import Microsoft Office Outlook tasks into the current Microsoft Office Project file.

Dialog box location

On the Tools menu, click Import Outlook Tasks.


Outlook task table

Check box     Select the check box next to a task to import the task; clear the check box if you do not want to import the task.

Task Name     Displays the name of the task. When the import process is complete, this becomes the Project task name. In the two columns to the left of the Task Name column, you can expand or collapse folders and categories to display or hide the tasks within them.

Notes     Contains notes about the tasks. Notes saved with the task in Outlook are imported to this field. When the import process is complete, these notes become task notes associated with the task and are available on the Notes tab in the Task Information dialog box.

Duration     Displays the expected duration of the task, as stored in the Outlook Total Work field. When the import process is complete, this information is stored in the Project Duration field.

Command buttons

Select All     Selects all check boxes for all Outlook tasks in the table. This is useful if you have a large number of tasks and you want to import all or nearly all of them into Project.

Clear All     Clears all check boxes for all Outlook tasks in the table. This is useful if you have a large number of tasks and you only want to import a few tasks.


  • Project searches only the Outlook user mailbox for Tasks folders containing tasks to import; it does not search public folders.

  • If the current project has no tasks in it, then the imported Outlook tasks form the current list of tasks. If the current project does have tasks in it, then the imported tasks are added to the current task list.

  • Tasks represented by more than one category appear multiple times in the Import Outlook Tasks dialog box, once for each category the tasks belong to. You should import these tasks only once.

  • The task name, notes, and duration are the only fields imported from Outlook to Project. Other Outlook task information, such as start date, finish date, due date, percent complete, and billing information are not imported.

  • Outlook tasks marked 100% Complete do not appear in the Import Outlook Tasks dialog box.

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