Important: The UML statechart diagram is not available in Visio 2013 and newer versions. For information on UML diagrams in Visio 2013 and newer versions, see UML diagrams in Visio.
Add a transition string to a transition in a statechart or activity diagram
In a statechart diagram or activity diagram, double-click the Transition or Control Flow shape you want to add the transition string to.
In the UML Transition Properties dialog box, click Transition, and click Event. Click New, choose the kind of event you want, and then click OK.
Type a name for the event and type or choose the other property values you want. Click a tab to add constraints, tagged values, or parameters, depending on the type of event you're creating. Click OK until you return to the Transition category.
Select Guard to add a guard condition. Then, in the text box, type the guard condition you want.
Under Language, choose the language you want.
Click the Actions tab, and then click New to create an action expression. Choose the action type you want, click OK, and then click Properties.
Type a name for the action and type or choose the other property values you want. Click a tab to add details, arguments (if available), constraints, or tagged values. Click OK until you close the UML Transition Properties dialog box.
The transition string appears on the transition.
In activity diagrams, you can use Signal Receipt and Signal Send shapes to explicitly represent event and action information usually specified in a transition string. To add the event and action information to a Signal Receipt or Signal Send shape, follow the procedure described above for adding a transition string to a transition.
Indicate a transition between states in a statechart diagram
In a statechart diagram, drag a Transition shape onto the drawing page.
Glue the Transition shape endpoint without the arrowhead to a connection point
on the source State shape.
Glue the Transition shape endpoint with an arrowhead to a connection point on the destination State shape.
Double-click the Transition shape to add a transition string, including an event, guard condition, action expression, and more.
When the source state is also the destination state in a statechart diagram, use the arc-shaped Transition shape. Glue the two endpoints on the shape to two connection points on the same State shape.
Indicate a complex forking transition in a statechart or activity diagram
In a statechart diagram or activity diagram, drag a Transition (Fork) shape onto the drawing page.
Use a Transition shape to connect the source state to the Transition (Fork) bar. Glue the Transition shape endpoint without an arrowhead to a connection point
on the source state, and the Transition shape endpoint (with an arrowhead) to a connection point on the bar.
Use Transition shapes to connect the Transition (Fork) bar to the destination states. Glue the Transition shape endpoints without arrowheads to connection points
on the bar, and the Transition shape endpoints with arrowheads to connection points on the destination states.
Indicate a complex synchronization transition in a statechart or activity diagram
In a statechart diagram or activity diagram drop a Transition (Join) shape onto the drawing page.
Use Transition shapes to connect the source states to the Transition (Join) bar. Glue the Transition shape endpoints without arrowheads to connection points
on the source states, and the Transition shape endpoints with arrowheads to connection points on the bar.
Use a Transition shape to connect the Transition (Join) bar to the destination state. Glue the Transition shape endpoint without an arrowhead to a connection point on the bar, and the Transition shape endpoint with an arrowhead to a connection point on the destination State.
This is a temporary test paragraph with a bookmark.
Indicate that a signal has been sent or received in an activity diagram
In an activity diagram, drag a Signal Send or Signal Receipt shape onto the drawing page.
Glue the control handle
of the Signal Send or Signal Receipt shape's transition to a connection point
on the source Action State shape.
Glue the control handle
of the Signal Send or Signal Receipt shape's transition to a connection point on the destination Action State shape.
Tip: To orient the Signal Send and Signal Receipt shapes properly, right-click the shape, point to Shape, and click Rotate Left or Rotate Right.
Double-click the Signal Send or Signal Receipt shape to add a name, stereotype, events, actions, a guard condition, and other properties.
Note: When you use a Signal Send or Signal Receipt shape instead of a regular control flow transition, the signal send or receipt symbol replaces the send signal or event label on the transition.
Indicate the flow of control in an activity diagram
In an activity diagram, drag a Control Flow shape onto the drawing page.
Glue the Control Flow shape endpoint without the arrowhead to a connection point
on the source Action State or State shape.
Glue the Control Flow shape endpoint with an arrowhead to a connection point on the destination Action State or State shape.
Double-click the Control Flow shape to add a transition string, including an event, guard condition, action expression, and more.
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