Friday, July 9, 2021

Class notebook tools instructions for onenote for windows 10

The Class Notebook Tools for OneNote for Windows 10 enable teachers to save time and work even more efficiently with their Class Notebooks.

Features include:

Class Notebook tab

If you have a Teacher license in your school's Microsoft 365 subscription, or if you have administrative rights to a class notebook, the Class Notebook tab will be visible in OneNote for Windows 10.

Class Notebook tab menu

To turn on the tab manually, open Settings > Options, and set Class Notebook tools to On.

Options for Class Notebook tools

Distribute a page to students

To distribute an assignment, homework, informational page or other resource to students, use Distribute Page.

  1. Starting from the OneNote page you want to distribute, select Distribute Page. You can distribute pages from any section within the Class Notebook.

  2. Choose the section to copy the page into. Each student will get a copy of that page in their own section.

  3. Select Distribute.
    Distribute page to students options

Distribute a new section to students

Use Distribute New Section to create a new, empty section in each students' class notebook. For example, use it to create a new Labs section in each student notebook.

  1. Select Distribute New Section.

  2. Enter the name of the new section.

  3. Select Distribute.

    Class Notebook New section example

  4. To fill the new section with content, use Distribute Page.

Review and assess student work

As students complete work in their Class Notebooks, the teacher can review and provide feedback—even when they aren't in the classroom.

  1. In your Class Notebook, select Review Student Work.

  2. Choose a section (for example, Homework) to see a list of all pages distributed to that section.

  3. Select the page you want to review, then select from the list of students to review their work.
    Tip: Students can be sorted by First name or Last name to keep them aligned with your grade book. 

    Review student work and selection options

Manage your Class Notebook

To add or remove students or teachers, create new Class Notebooks, or manage existing Class Notebooks, the buttons in the Class Notebook Tools for OneNote for the web take you to a different website. Select any of these to launch the Class Notebook app in Microsoft 365, and follow the instructions in that app.

Manage class notebook buttons

Resources for teachers

The buttons in the Professional Development section open these links:

Manage Notebooks menu

To send feedback about how Class Notebook Tools are working for you (or not working), use the Help and Feedback section. When you select Send Feedback, your default email program opens, ready to send us an email.

Manage notebooks selection options

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