Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Privacy supplement for Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2

Privacy supplement for Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2

Last updated: December 2008

This page is a supplement to the Privacy Statements for Microsoft Office Communications Products. In order to understand the data collection and use practices relevant for a particular Office Communications product or service, you should read both the Privacy Statement for Microsoft Office Communications Products and this supplement.


What This Feature Does : Archiving allows your administrator to archive instant message conversations, meeting activities and content, and usage characteristics such as user sign-ins and conversation starts and joins.

Information Collected, Processed, or Transmitted: Archiving stores the content of instant message conversations and information about your instant messaging usage on a server your administrator configures. No information is sent to Microsoft.

Use of Information: Your administrator can use this information to administer your enterprise's use of Office Communicator.

Choice/Control: Archiving is turned off by default, and must be turned on by an enterprise administrator. You should review your company's data usage and monitoring policies to determine whether archiving may be enabled.

Automatic Updates

What This Feature Does: Automatic Updates downloads updates for Office Communicator software from your enterprise's network and installs them on your computer.

Information Collected, Processed, or Transmitted: If you or your administrator chooses to enable Automatic Updates, information such as the version of your Office Communicator software and standard computer information are sent to a server in your enterprise. No information is sent to Microsoft.

Use of Information: If a more recent version of Office Communicator software is available, Automatic Updates automatically downloads and installs it on your computer at the time specified in your Automatic Updates settings. This update will be downloaded from your enterprise's network.

Choice/Control: If your administrator has not disabled your ability to control Automatic Updates, you can change your settings by taking the following steps:

  1. From the Actions menu, select Options.

  2. On the Alerts tab, configure settings in the Automatic Updates menu.

  3. Click OK.

Call Logs

What This Feature Does: Call Logs enables you to store a record of your voice calls processed by Office Communicator in a Microsoft Office Outlook® folder.

Information Collected, Processed, or Transmitted: Information about your voice calls such as start time, end time, duration, and call participants will be stored in your Microsoft Office Outlook Conversation History folder. You or your administrator may also log your meeting subject and locations by choosing to use Microsoft Office Outlook as your personal information manager on the Personal tab of the Options panel. Call logs does not store the content of your calls. No information is sent to Microsoft.

Use of Information: You can use this information to review your voice call history.

Choice/Control: Call Logs is turned on by default. If your administrator has not disabled your ability to control Call Logs, you can change your settings by taking the following steps:

  1. From the Actions menu, select Options.

  2. On the Personal tab uncheck Save my call logs in the Outlook conversation history folder.

  3. Click OK.

Client-Side Logging

What This Feature Does: Client-Side Logging allows you to log information about your use of Office Communicator on your computer in your user profile. The information can be used for troubleshooting Office Communicator issues you may have.

Information Collected, Processed, or Transmitted: If you or your administrator enables Client-Side Logging, information such as the meeting subject and location and session initiation protocol (SIP) messages and responses for your Office Communicator conversations will be stored on your computer. This includes information about the sender and receiver of each Office Communicator message and the route that the message takes. In addition, your contact list and presence information will be logged. However, the contents of your Office Communicator conversations are not stored. Client-Side Logging does not send any of this information off your computer.

Use of Information: Client-side logs can be used for troubleshooting Office Communicator issues you may have. They are not automatically sent to Microsoft, but you can choose to send them manually.

Choice/Control: Client-Side Logging is turned off by default, and must be turned on by an enterprise administrator. If your administrator has not disabled your ability to control logging, you can change your settings by taking the following steps:

  1. From the Actions menu, select Options.

  2. On the General tab, click on Turn on logging and Turn on Windows event logging.

  3. Click OK.

Conversation History

What This Feature Does: Conversation History allows you to store the content of your instant message conversations in a Microsoft Office Outlook folder.

Information Collected, Processed, or Transmitted: If you enable Conversation History, the content of your instant message conversations will be stored in your Microsoft Office Outlook Conversation History folder. No information is sent to Microsoft.

Use of Information: You can use this information to review the content of your past instant message conversations.

Choice/Control: Conversation History is turned off by default, and must be turned on by an enterprise administrator. If your administrator has not disabled your ability to control Conversation History, you can change your settings by taking the following steps:

  1. From the Actions menu, select Options.

  2. On the Personal tab check Save my instant message conversations in the Microsoft Office Outlook conversation history folder.

  3. Click OK.

If you enable Conversation History, you should notify your contacts that their IM sessions will be saved.

Customer Experience Improvement Program

What This Feature Does: If you choose to participate, the Customer Experience Improvement Program ("CEIP") collects basic information about your hardware configuration and how you use our software and services in order to identify trends and usage patterns. CEIP also collects the type and number of errors you encounter, software and hardware performance, and the speed of services. We will not collect your name, address, or other contact information.

Information Collected, Processed, or Transmitted: CEIP information is automatically sent to Microsoft when the feature is turned on. For more information about the information collected, processed, or transmitted by CEIP, see the Privacy Statement for the Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program.

Use of Information: We use this information to improve the quality, reliability, and performance of Microsoft software and services.

Choice/Control: Choice/Control: CEIP is turned off by default unless your administrator has chosen to turn it on for you. Unless your administrator has disabled the control, you can change your CEIP settings at any time by:

  1. From the Actions menu, select Options.

  2. On the General tab, check or uncheck the Allow Microsoft to collect information about how I use Communicator.

  3. Click OK.

If you enable Conservation History, you should notify your contacts that their IM sessions will be saved.

Desktop Control

What This Feature Does: Desktop Control allows you to grant control of your desktop to someone else who is also using an Office Communicator client on another computer.

Information Collected, Processed, or Transmitted: Once you grant control over your desktop to someone else, that person can control your computer and make changes as if he or she were using your computer directly. You and other participants in your Office Communicator conversation will be able to view these changes as they are made. No information is sent to Microsoft.

Use of Information: You can use Desktop Control to allow others to test, demonstrate, and update documents or applications on your computer while you and other conversation participants observe.

Choice/Control: To share control of your desktop with a remote party:

  1. Initiate a Desktop Sharing conversation.

  2. Click on the Sharing icon in the active conversation window.

  3. Select one of the Share Control options.

To revoke control of your desktop from a remote party:

  1. Click on the Sharing icon in the active conversation window.

  2. Select Take Back Control.

Desktop Sharing

What This Feature Does: Desktop Sharing allows you to share a view of your computer's screen with other participants in your Office Communicator conversation.

Information C ollected, Processed, or Transmitted: If you enable Desktop Sharing, all conversation participants will be able to see everything on your computer's screen. No information is sent to Microsoft.

Use of Information: You can use Desktop Sharing to collaborate with conversation participants.

Choice/Control: To enable Desktop Sharing in a new Office Communicator conversation:

  1. Right-click on the user(s) you want to share with in your Contacts list.

  2. Click Share, and then click Share Desktop.

To enable Desktop Sharing during an ongoing Office Communicator conversation:

  1. Click on the Sharing icon.

  2. Select Share Desktop.

To stop sharing your desktop:

  1. Click on the Sharing icon.

  2. Select Stop Sharing.

Important: Open documents or pictures on your desktop that are protected by Digital Rights Management software may be visible to others who you share your desktop with in an Office Communicator conversation.

Presence and Contact Information

What This Feature Does: Office Communicator is an integrated communications client, which enables you to communicate with contacts within and outside of your organization. Office Communicator is designed to allow you access to information published about other users, and to provide other users with access to information published about you, such as status, title, phone number, and notes. Your administrator may also configure integration with Microsoft Office Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Server in order to display out of office messages and other status information such as when you have a meeting scheduled in your Outlook calendar.

Information Collected, Processed, or Transmitted: You will use your sign in address and a password to connect to Office Communications Server. You and your administrator can publish information about your status that will be associated with your sign in.

Use of Information: Other Office Communicator users and applications will be able to access your presence and contact information to determine your published status and to better communicate with you.

Choice/Control: You may choose what information is published about you. Your administrator also may configure published information on your behalf. If your administrator has not disabled your ability to control your published information, you can change your settings at any time by:

  1. From the Menu button, click Tools and then Options.

  2. On the Personal tab, enter your sign in address under My account. You can use the Advanced button to enter the name of the server to connect to.

  3. On the Phones tab, you can view the information about phone numbers that your administrator has published. You can also enter more numbers and decide what to publish to other users.

  4. Click OK.

You can also set access levels to designate what each user can see regarding your presence level and information. To do so:

  1. Right click on a contact.

  2. Select the option to Change Level of Access.

  3. Select the appropriate level of access for the user.

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