Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Format Object (Line Style pane)

Format Object (Line Style pane)

Use these options to change the look of a line by changing its width, adding a style of additional lines, changing a solid line to dots or dashes, or changing the ends of the line by adding a cap or arrowheads. You can also specify how two lines will look when they connect in the Join type option.


  • When you change options in this dialog box, the changes are immediately applied to your shape, making it easy to see the effects of the changes in your SmartArt graphic, line, or shape without closing the dialog box. However, since the changes are instantly applied, it is not possible to click Cancel in this dialog box. To remove changes, you must click Undo Button image on the Quick Access Toolbar for each change that you want to remove.

  • You can simultaneously undo multiple changes that you made to one dialog box option, as long as you did not make changes to another dialog box option in between.

  • You may want to move the dialog box so that you can see both the shape and the dialog box at the same time.

Line Style

Width     To change the width of the line, enter a number in the box.

Compound type     To apply a style composed of double or triple lines, click Compound, and then click the style that you want.

Dash type     To change a solid line to dots or dashes, click Dash, and then click the style that you want.

Cap type     To specify the look for the ends of the line, select the style that you want from the Cap type list.

Square cap Square: The end of the line is capped with a square shape.

Round cap Round: The end of the line is rounded.

Flat cap Flat: The end of the line is flat.

Join type     To specify the look when two lines connect with each other, select the style that you want from the Join type list.

Round join Round: The corners where the two lines intersect are rounded.

Bevel join Bevel: The corners where the two lines intersect are cut off at a 45 degree angle.

Miter join Miter: The corners where the two lines intersect are squared off.

Arrow settings

Begin type     To add an arrowhead to the beginning of your line, click Begin type, and then click the style that you want.

End type     To add an arrowhead to the end of your line, click End type, and then click the style that you want.

Begin size     To specify the size of the arrowhead used for the beginning of the line, click Begin size, and then click the size that you want.

End size     To specify the size of the arrowhead used for the end of the line, click End size, and then click the size that you want.

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