Friday, December 23, 2016

Reverse engineer Visual Studio .NET source code

Reverse engineer Visual Studio .NET source code

  1. In Visual Studio. NET, open a project or solution, and in the Solution Explorer, select the solution or project that you want to reverse engineer.

    Note: If a solution is selected, each project in the solution is reverse engineered.

  2. In Visual Studio, on the Project menu, point to Visio UML, and then click Reverse Engineer.

  3. In the Select Visio UML File dialog box, specify options for naming and saving the Microsoft Office Visio drawing.

    • Under Save in, specify a location.

    • Under File name, type a file name for the UML diagram, or accept the default name. The default file name for the Visio drawing is the name of the Visual Studio solution or project you have selected.

    • Under Save as type, Visio Files (*.vsd) is set by default.

  4. To start reverse engineering and open the new file in Visio, click Save.

    The UML Reverse Engineer dialog box appears, showing progress of the operation. To stop the current reverse-engineering operation, click Cancel.

  5. In Visio, drag icons from the tree view onto the drawing page to create a static structure diagram that represents a view of the model.


    About adding UML elements to a model

Note: If you make changes to a Visual Studio .NET project after reverse engineering the project and want to see the changes in Visio, you must rebuild the project, and reverse engineer the project again to see the updated structure of your code in the Visio UML diagram.

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