Friday, December 2, 2016

Data Templates Definition dialog box

Data Templates Definition dialog box

Use the Data Templates Definition dialog box to review or change the content or formatting of information in a Network Diagram box. A data template is a particular setup of a Network Diagram box which you can then associate with certain types of tasks; for example, Critical tasks, or Milestone tasks. You can:

  • Specify which fields of information are shown in a box, for example, Resource Name, Start, and Finish.

  • Set the position of fields in a box. For example, you can set the Duration field in the lower-left corner and the Predecessors field in the lower-right corner.

  • Change the font type, style, and size.

  • Modify the horizontal and vertical alignment of text in the boxes.

Dialog box location

Display the Network Diagram view. On the Format menu, click Box Styles. Click More Templates. Click New. You can also select an existing template and click Copy or Edit.


Template name box

Shows the name of the data template. If this is a new or copied template, enter the name you want.

Format cells section

Use this section to specify which fields appear in this data template.

Show data from task ID     Displays in the preview box the formatting options of the currently selected task type. Type or select a task ID to see that task's information displayed in the preview box. To display data placeholders in the preview instead of actual data, clear this box.

Cell Layout     Opens the Cell Layout dialog box, which you can use to define the number of rows and columns for the data template.

Preview     Displays the Network Diagram box as currently defined and with any changes made in this dialog box.

Choose cell(s)     Provides a grid in which you can select the fields whose contents you want to display in that location. To clear a cell, select the first option (blank) in the list. The formatting options displayed correspond to the selected cell. To specify formatting options for multiple cells, press CTRL, click the cells you want to format, and set only those options you want to apply to all the selected cells.

Text formatting options

Font    Opens the Font dialog box, which you can use to specify the font, style, and size for the selected cell.

Limit cell text to     Specifies the maximum number of lines of text for the selected cell. If this setting makes the selected cell the tallest cell of the row, it will set the cell height for the entire row of the data template.

Horizontal alignment     Specifies the horizontal alignment of text for the selected cell: Left, Center, or Right.

Show label in cell     Shows a label that precedes the data element inside the selected cell. If you want to show a label, select the check box. By default, the field name appears in the box. You can type a different label.

Vertical alignment     Specifies the vertical alignment of text for the selected cell: Top, Center, or Bottom.

Date format     Specifies a date format for the selected cell. The default date format is set on the View tab of the Options dialog box (Tools menu).

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